Chapter One Hundred Five ~ Oars Attacks

Start from the beginning


The ground shook "What is that?"Franky asked "It's Luffy's zombie"Nicole simply said just before the giant monster bust through the wall with a punch "Hey look down there someone else came out with him it looks like chef curly brows"Franky said "His name's Sanji!"Nicole yelled at him "What the hell is he doing he's gonna get stomped on"Zoro said.

"Show yourselves! Come out Strawhats you can't hide from me!"Oars yelled "Damn it Luffy, your zombies gonna be a real pain in the ass"Sanji said sitting on the ground below "Come on captain you're not gonna tear apart your own crew are you?"Usopp asked on the bridge to the side "It seems he's been given the order"Robin said "I just hope the real Luffy's fine"Chopper said.

"Don't eat me i'm all bone!"Brook yelled from the roof of the mansion "We're supposed to fight that damn thing? No way"Franky said "Looks like fun"Zoro smirked, Nicole giggled a bit "I bet you're dying to try out Shusui"she said "Yeah"he nodded.

"What is that thing? It's terrifying"Brook said his jaw dropped in shocked "Of course it is, it's a monster after all"Franky said, Nicole hummed a bit just noticing them as did Zoro "Hey Usopp! Is that you down there?!"he called "Yeah, i see Chopper and Robin there too"Nicole said.

"Zoro! What are you doing up there?!"Usopp called back "There's Franky and Nicole too and look Brook is with them they're all safe"Chopper said "For now it looks like they managed to save the skeleton in time at least, Nami on the other hand i'm still pretty worried about"Robin said.

Down on the ground Sanji jumped around before coming to a stop infront of Oars "Hey you're standing in my damn way! And what are you doing interfering what's gotten into you Luffy?!"he called "Luffy? I think i'm supposed to crush that guy, he's my enemy, my name's Oars, hello there"Oars replied casually.

"Really? What's with the introductions? Idiot, he just says whatever he wants huh? Definitely takes after Luffy"Sanji said lighting a cigarette "Look at this, moron's picking a fight with a monster"Franky said  "That damn stupid cook, has he even rescued Nami yet?"Zoro asked "Doesn't seem so, it's kinda hard to tell where she is right now since she's unconscious"Nicole said.

"This is bad, this is really bad, Sanji's in trouble!"Chopper said "This is interesting, i was under the impression all they wanted from us were our shadows but he looks more primed for violence"Robin said "Guess they already decided they got cream of the crop with Luffy's shadow"Usopp said "Scary! It's scary! No way we can fight that thing!"Chopper said.

"Well i can't just stand back and watch Sanji get slaughtered"Robin said getting ready to use her powers "Whoa hold it! Listen we're just gonna get ourselves killed if we all get involved, Sanji can handle this guy on his own and don't worry he's got a better chance then any of us of getting out of this alive"Usopp said.

"How? His face is on a wanted poser too right? I don't see how his situation is any better then one were in out here"Robin said "And that's exactly where you're wrong, you're not thinking clearly Robin, you've seen his wanted poster haven't you? There no way he'll realize that's Sanji"Usopp said "That's true Sanji's wanted poster doesn't look anything like him"Chopper said "You've got a point, i had forgotten about that"Robin said.

"You look just the same as your wanted poster"Oars said "That drawing looks nothing like me!" Sanji yelled "What do you mean it's so good"Oars said "Are your eyes rotting idiot?!"Sanji yelled "But you admit you're a part of the pirate crew huh?"Oars asked "Yeah what of it?!"Sanji yelled "Then you're dead"Oars bluntly said "Wanna try me? Then bring it on"Sanji said.


Sanji jumped around dodging Oars' punches, Oars got mad and punched faster making it seem like he might have gotten Sanji to the others, Sanji of course was fine "You damn punk you almost broke my damn cigarette, alright you got your shot in now it's my turn"he said.

"Sanji's okay!"Chopper grinned "I thought he was done for"Usopp said and Zoro smirked seemingly relieved, Nicole smiled a bit next to him, he's too macho to admit it but she knows Zoro's just a big worrywart.

"I'm not finished yet you twerp"Oars said and went to attack with that signature "Gum Gum" thing Luffy always does before an attack "That's Luffy's move"Chopper said "Oh crap can he stretch?!"Usopp asked "Did he get Luffy's rubber power's with his shadow?" Zoro asked, Nicole went to reply but Oars finished what he was saying and attacked Sanji.

"Okay he can't stretch but does it really matter?!"Chopper asked freaked out "With that strength and his reach as long as it is it's basically the same thing!"Usopp said also freaked out "He looks like a brute but he's got the speed to back it up"Zoro said "What a pain"Nicole muttered "We better stay out of his way, it's lights out if he hits us"Franky said.

Sanji jumped back gaining some distance but like it really mattered when facing a giant monster like Oars "Alright i gotta admit Luffy's zombie is kind of a badass"Sanji muttered to himself dodging out of the way as Oars continued to attack, Sanji went to counter but it hardly did anything, Sanji jumped back but Oars closed that distance in an instant and landed a hit sending Sanji flying.

"No more fancy footwork from you, you pipsqueak"Oars said grabbing Sanji "Oh crap he's got him now"Zoro said "Sanji!"Nicole called, Oars went to slam Sanji in the ground when Usopp fired a shot distracting Oars.

Oars turned to where the shot came from "Uh i'm sorry!"Usopp said, Oars threw Sanji onto the ground and looked at the posters on his arm "Tall woman with the black hair, uh but there's two of those, uh the one without yellow eyes and that's the little fuzzy thing" Oars said and shook the fire out and made his way over to the bridge "No! He's coming!"Usopp and Chopper freaked.

"This is bad we gotta do something, Franky draw him this way!"Zoro said drawing two of his swords ready to fight as Nicole bounced up next to him and also drew her swords "I'm on it, i think this will get his attention"Franky said firing at Oars but the giant dodged it with surprising agility.

Oars kicked down the mansion tower they were on Franky grabbed Brook getting him out of there as Nicole and Zoro got on Oars and rushed up his leg and got close to his face, however Oars dodged again and they only managed to cut off one of his fangs before Oars sent them flying up.

In the air Zoro managed to maneuver himself so that he was protecting Nicole, Franky tried firing at Oars again but again the giant dodged, Oars grabbed one of the pillars and attacked them sending down to the ground, Zoro and Nicole came back down and Robin used her powers to catch them and slow down their fall, however Oars appeared above them, Usopp fired salt in Oars mouth but it had no effect.

Chopper went to attack Oars but Oars was faster braking the part of the bridge they were on, all of the Strawhats were down on the ground and out but not defeated "Luffy you jerk"Usopp said "I don't know you, my name's not Luffy, remember Moria's servant name's Oars"he said.

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