DOLLS- Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


Ryan's POV

"Ryan?" The heavenly voice went into my ear. I missed that voice.

"Hey, Scarlett," I kept my head down unable to speak anymore.

"Are you okay?" Her voice was a little timid and she pulled the quilt up to her waist.

"What happened to you?"

Scarlett looked a little hurt by my comment. She was so different looking. She just looked more fierce, her eyes were cold. There was no more happy, cheerful Scarlett!

"I-" She looked down in complete thought and wrinkles rippled on her face. "I was taken and that's what you say?"

This time I was taken aback. I looked into her cold blank eyes. A hole entered my chest and pain filled it in.

"I missed you."

Scarlett didn't say anything in return. Why was she doing this to me? I looked down to my feet.

"Who took you?"

Scarletts eyes shot to mine. I slowly lifted my head to see her now worried eyes. Maybe I should've just kept my mouth shut.

"Come sit."

Scarlett's POV

"Come sit." I had too much to explain. I patted my hand on my hospital bed. My hands forced my body to move toward the windows. Ryan timidly sat beside me and looked into my eyes. We were just so close, it made my skin crawl.

"When we were filming." I paused and swallowed the lump in my throat. "I was obviously taken. The man that took me was a horrible man." I felt a tear force it's way through my newly awakened eyes. "He was never sane. He saw me as a doll."

"A doll?" Ryan's eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Yes," I looked at his face wondering if I was going to fast. "He had five dolls in his collection. Something with his mother made him crazy and come after girls who resembled his dolls."

"You looked like one of them?" This was a nice pace for this to crumble.

"I guess. But he's dead now. Georgia killed him."

"Is that what you told the police?"

"Sort of," I did it for the sake of Georgia.

"But who was he?"

I cleared my throat. "It was Jack Wilson. He was a doctor here, maybe you knew him?" Jack took this as not so surprising news.

"I knew it."


"I was kept here in the loony house. Nobody believed me, they all thought I was crazy for thinking it was him." Ryan held my hand, our fingers intertwined. It was uncomfortable. "He came to me, saying he had you!" Ryan seemed distracted and dissatisfied.

That's when it popped into my head. A nurse gave me my belongings that they found on me during the fire. I let go of his sweaty hand. I pulled out the drawer in the nightstand and grabbed the crumbled paper. I should've given it to the police but it's mine.

"I never gave up hope, Ryan." I placed it into his hand.

His mouth parted and examined the paper. And discovered his face of that day. He looked at me and looked from my eyes down to my lips. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and my heart thumped like a race horse. I leaned in and closed my eyes. Ryan's fingers weaved in my hair and closed the space between us. His warm lips comforted my soft ones. I opened my eyes to see his closed. Eventually I pulled away but I also didn't want to. This was the boy I wanted to see all this time.

"I'm so sorry, Ryan." I breathed softly. His forehead leaned against mine.

"For what?" His voice was confused and clueless.

"For leaving you, I shouldn't have let him take me from you.

"Scarlett, this was never your fault." I smiled and felt weights lifted off my shoulders. "Did the others survive?" Ryan's random thought was out in the air now echoing in my ears.

"Some." I tried my best not to think about it. "Georgia is okay, she is healing but she is pregnant." Ryan nodded while leaning his head on the wall behind us. This back board of the bed was much to short for him. "She wants me to be the godmother." Ryan looked at me in shock mixed with some sort of happiness? He eventually rubbed it off and nodded for me to continue.

"Kaylnn didn't make it. She passed away before the fire. Her family was found, and the creme made her." I thought of what their faces would look like. Horror. "Chloe didn't make it either." Jack sewed her mouth together and an infection spread and killed her along with the fire." The memory came back fast and unforgiving. I was dragging her through the house. The doctor told me she was alive then. It was the smoke that killed her. I continued.

"Delilah survived, Georgia saved her. She isn't taking the other deaths too lightly." Ryan looked at me and noticed my stressed eyes. "Her family was eventually found, I think she's doing well. I only talked to her once." I paused and looked at Ryan. "I just don't know how I can continue my life knowing I've been through this." A tear streamed down my face and I cried into Ryan's chest.

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