DOLLS- Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

You All Die Today

Kaylnn's POV

"She is already dead," The words traveled across my mind frequently. I looked up and noticed the familiar room like the back of my hand. I was in the living room, the beautiful purple couch and the glass coffee table.  

My back was facing the book shelf, why was I sitting?

I weakly looked down and saw an unfamiliar garb wrapped around my body. From what I could see the base color was white with birthday candles of pink, blue, and green. My finger nails were painted the color of a light blue. My wrists were cuffed with a leather belt material around a wooden chair.

My heart began to pump rapidly, my mind was beginning to piece it all together. Where's Jack? I looked to my left to see Kaylnn, her pale body was laying lifelessly on the chair. She was wearing the same dress with green nail polish. I couldn't help but to scream. My throat was dry and I was panicking. I closed my eyes tightly and cried softly in between breathes.

The sound of a door opening caused me to forget everything, shivers crawled down my spine. It felt like my heart was going to blow up with the suspense. I peeked over to Kaylnn, I shut my eyes again. Heavy footsteps trailed louder through the hallway. Jack's eyes watched me from the corner of the opening. It was like his eyes were dissecting me. I gulped and watched him come closer with a container of gasoline.

"What do you want!" I screamed and spat at the ground. Jack chuckled and walked closer, I leaned back as far as the chair would let me. Our distance was now unsafe for me.

"My childhood was a living hell," Jack looked up to see if I was still listening. "This is the only way I can cure myself. I have to do this." Jack leaned in an awkward position as a tear stroked down his cheek.

"What do you mean?" My arms scrambled to be free. "What are you doing?" Panic entered my voice, I refused to die now.

"Mother, died in a horrible accident. I feel its my turn to repay her. Jack gave me a fake smile and scoffed. "She hated you!" Jack yelled at me, I could feel his stress in the situation. He walked closer and took the cap off the full, red, container. "You all die today." Jack chuckled a little, does this freak think this is funny? "How we met, it was fate. It brought us together, that house you were in. That was my childhood home, you went there to find me. I brought you to your new home."

"No. No Jack. you love us, right?" He paused and looked at me for a second. "We are your dolls, mother can't stop our love," Is he buying it?

More tears ran down both of our faces. Jack turned his back to me and threw the container at the wall. I flinched at the force of the impact.

"You're tricking me!" Jack turned to me and pointed his long finger straight at me.

I watched as the container laid on its side and the thin liquid spread across the ground. Jack came closer to me and got on his knees, surprisingly he was now eye level with me. "I bet you want him, you love him more than you love me."

Jack pulled out a crinkled picture of Ryan, the picture I kept in my dress. He then walked behind me, I felt uncomfortable about the situation. He then pushed my head down softly and placed the picture in the back of my bra. Jack leaned into my neck and whispered,

"Good-bye my darling, you were the last one. I longed for you to enter our family. Its a shame I could only hold you for the last seconds of my mothers, as well as your existence." With that he kissed my cheek one last time. He then walked toward the dead body of what was left of Kaylnn, I didn't even know her last name.

I looked at the blank wall yards from me. Jack whispered his last words to her. My ears blocked out everything, it was now just a mumble of a male voice. I'm not sure what was going through my head, I just thought of my mother. Her holding her new born baby, how healthy it will be and how she never got to see her big sister.

Maybe, just maybe it would be best to die in a fire. No one will see the rag doll body of Scarlett Reins. It will be a sad day for everyone, but I think I will be happy. To finally escape the claws of the animal, I was the prey. The prey is eventually eaten, I would be released into another life. I never got to tell Ryan how much I cared for him, he would understand. I would be so sorry to leave him like this, It was my fault and my fault only.

"Good-bye forever." Jack then pulled a lighter out of his pocket. I closed my eyes as he lit the sparks into flames. Are you ready Scarlett? You will finally be put to rest, it will finally happen. Death wrapped its cold hands around my ankles and was ready for me to go with it. Would I go to Hell? No, this was my hell, my own personal hell. I would go somewhere happy, I promised myself what was uncontrolable. But right now, I could believe in anything.

"Happy Birthday to me." Jack's last words shocked me in a twisted way I couldn't understand.

A struggling voice caught my attention, I opened my eyes and saw Jack falling into the gasoline. A burst of flames blinded my eyes, once the flames calmed I could see more clearly. The fire spread to the where the liquid was. Jack was screaming in true agony, I looked beyond the flames and saw Georgia watching him burn. I could smell his burning flesh enter the air, Georgia ran to me and took off the belt buckles. Georgia said nothing, but I could somehow sense what I needed to do. Death released its grip on my ankles and I was free. I stood up and ran toward the dinning room. Georgia stopped me and pulled me in the other direction. I looked back at Jack, his body jerked and twitched at the flames and screams that filled my mind in horror.

"I have to save the others!" I pulled away from her and watched her run to the kitchen. I breathed in, my body rejected the smoke and made my throat sore from the horrible air.

I ran frantically around the gasoline and to the dinning room. Chloe sat there unconscious with her birthday dress on and her mouth clamped shut by the black string. I quickly took off the buckles and pulled her on top of me. I began to cough even more , my body was running out of time. I looked around the room, smoke covered every inch. My eyes were watering and I knew it was hopeless. I ran toward the living which was now in flames. Two dead bodies were now in this room, but I cannot help the ones who are now dead.

I felt the flames reach my right foot, the searing pain had no impact, my adrenaline was pumping and I wasn't thinking straight. My feet ran toward the door, but with every step I took I grew more weak. I fell to the floor and felt Chloe fumble on the side of me. More coughs escaped my mouth, I can't die. With my last bit of energy I crawled myself to the door with Chloe being dragged behind. Every step was torture but I convinced myself to keep going. The door was wide opened and I was ready to breath in the fresh air that awaited. When I was infront of the wooden door I pushed Chloe forward and on the cement ground. I looked back into the house and watched as the oranges, reds, and yellows mixed together like watercolor and traveled up the walls. I crawled out and when I was beside Chloe I gave up. My heart slowed down and my eyes closed with satisfaction.


"My Baby!"

"What happened!?"

"Mrs. Reins, calm down."

What was happening? Who was that? I could feel myself moving on a hard surface. I could feel my fingers, my throat was sore but I could breath. My toes weren't moving, I could mentally say I was trying to move them but physically; I wasn't sure. That's when it hit me, the dead, the pain, the horror.

I could feel my throat begging to scream. I wanted to scream so badly that it caused more pain. So I let it out, everyone fell silent. I then screamed louder, machines beeped louder and people ran faster. A light pressure was in my arm and I could feel peace wash over me.


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