DOLLS- Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

One, By, One

Scarlett's POV

My feet were now numb, I looked at him. His tall figure stood in anger at the door. He lifted a small device in his hand and pressed a button. Our cuffs stopped working, they all fell silent, the lights and annoying flashing stopped. I sniffled and heard one of the girls scream in terror. Jack pulled something else out of his pocket and faced it towards them.

A flash appeared before my eyes, I felt my body jerk in reflex. My ears began to ring as I grind my teeth from the noise. Everything fell silent and I forced myself to crawl away from the three girls. Something was wrong, terribly wrong. How did he get out so quickly? Did we do something wrong and gave him the advantage to escape? Whatever it was it can wait, I had to leave. My arms pulled me forward as my legs sloppily made an effort to follow. I could feel my knee caps bruise from the hard surface.

"Scarlett!" the scream hurt my still ringing ears, I turned around too see Jack fighting Chloe. She didn't stand a chance, Chloe thrashed but Jack seemed to manage.

Delilah watched in horror, her expression had no words to describe. Delilah acted quickly and ran towards Jack. He then held Chloe with his firm hand and back hand slapped Delilah's face. Causing her to fall to the side, he was strong. Much too strong for my trembling body, I forced myself to crawl away from him. A few yards from me was a large crate. I quickly scrambled towards it, there was a large opening between the wall and the wooden box. I managed to cradle myself behind it and calm myself. My back was now facing the crime scene and my eyes looked into the darkness. My ears forced myself to hear Chloe silently struggling. I couldn't look, it would be complete torture.

A sweaty hand was placed on my back. I jumped and screamed, the hand then clamped my mouth shut. I turned my head to see Delilah crying. My eyes widened at the little hope I had for her. Her appearance was very disturbing, red covered the right side of her face from his rage. Tears smeared her makeup down her cheeks. Her ears had blood coming put of them, how could that be?

"Your ears." I pointed my finger to them and gasped for breath.

"I can't hear very well, Scarlett." Is she completely deaf? I don't think she heard anything I said.

I then grabbed her arms and pulled her softly towards me. She gave a fake smile and kept watch. How could she watch what was happening. It slightly disgusted me but I guess it was smart to see if he was coming or not.

When my heart came to a normal level, I heard a moan. I looked to Delilah, she was facing the wall with no expression. I almost forgot about her ears, my finger tapped her shoulder. She quickly looked towards me, I leaned forward and pointed to where the noise came from. Delilah turned back at me like I was crazy. She then took off her shoes and held one like a weapon. Delilah slowly got up and walked slowly toward our last location. I watched her shadow follow her every move. Half of my face was now exposed to the light from inside the house. I looked at the large building and noticed the walls. They were all solid wood, no color or protection from rain. I looked up and saw complete darkness. The light wasn't bright enough to reach the top. He was keeping us in an unfinished house, this large building surrounded it. This is why nobody could find us, it must be abandoned. This is how he got away with this, his personal fortress.

When Delilah became closer to the object she froze. I squinted and wanted to know what she saw. Delilah ran toward it and knelled on one knee and dropped her only weapon beside her. She lifted a now pale hand, Chloe was inside, Georgia was in the basement, and Delilah was here. It has to be Kaylnn, the bright blast must've been a gun! Kaylnn was dead, I felt my heart speed up again. My rib cage was going to break, the pressure on my chest was too hard, I couldn't stand it.

A shadow slowly appeared behind Delilah. She was totally unaware of the obvious distraction. What was she doing! I felt like screaming but I couldn't do it, it was like my body shut down. It was coming closer, it was like a horror movie and I'm the star of the show. I felt a whine from my throat, I can't let her go unwarned.

"Delilah!" She didn't move. "Delilah, he's coming! Jack is coming!" I screamed, he was so close that I felt myself look away for a few moments.

It was too late, by the time Delilah turned it was too late. He grabbed her arms and pulled her off her knee's. Delilah scream and kicked refusing to leave Kaylnn's side. She managed to loosen one arm and reach for her shoe. She turned toward him and looked into his eyes. Jack was caught off gaurd, thats when she smashed the shoe on his forehead. Jack yelled and punched Delilah's jaw, she was out like a light. Blood gushed out of his scarred face and it fell to the ground. But he ignored his gash and lifted Delilah over his shoulder and slowly walked back into the house.

I watched Kaylnn's body cautiously. Her body was limp and she hadn't moved since Delilah walked over to her. I can't go out like those girls did, they were all beaten and almost killed. I had to see him peacefully, my mind was so confused but I knew what to do. My jello legs held myself up and I walked with my face down. Scarlett, what the hell are you doing? You're stupid for thinking he would go easy on you. He knows you were the one to mention escaping in the first place. I was doing this for Kaylnn, not myself. I passed Kaylnn without even glimpsing at her. The steps creaked by my feet, as I looked into the doorway Jack's figure appeared from the living room. He suddenly froze and looked at me in shock. Jack slowly made his way toward me and stopped three feet away. I closed the distance between us and looked into his eyes. His forehead was patched up and you could see the blood peeking through the bandage.

"I am only doing this so you can save Kaylnn." I protested and rejected to look at him.

"She is already dead," Jack whispered and pushed my hair behind my ears. "I knew you were different." Jack chuckled, I looked down and broke into tears as he kissed my forehead.

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