DOLLS- Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Jack's POV

I was sitting on the floor minding my own business. My mom would be home soon, she promised to make her apple pie for this special occasion. Today was my 12th birthday, I brush the beautiful hair of my favorite doll. My eyes looked up to our wooden clock, hanging over the empty fire place. The carpet was soft in this room, the windows showed the half moon and all the stars lit up like christmas lights. I haven't been able to come up with a name for any of them. I turned her around and looked at her blush on her cheek bones. The wavy hair was soft, she was wearing a dress with birthday candles on it. I smiled as her arm offered me tea.

"No silly, Mother will be home soon. She will make me pie, I will have tea another time." The dolls lips were smiling and I kissed her softly on her cheek. I felt my cheeks burning, my head snapped when I heard the door opening.

Stumbling feet walked in the room, my mother was standing there. Her drooping eyes looked at me while her tongue played with the gum in her mouth. She didn't look how she did this morning. My puzzled eyes looked into her blood shot ones. I was still sitting on the floor and placed my doll on the little wooden stool by the window.

"Mother, are you ok?" I stood up and brushed off my school uniform. My voice startled her and she took a step back looking insulted.

"No, I am tired of coming home and seeing you play with those dolls." Her voice was uneasy and a stench traveled from her mouth to my nose. "I can't believe I even got you one." My eyes brightened with her words. I look happier than a boy that got his first gun from his father.

"Oh, mother. Really? Can I see her?" I jumped up and down and walked closer to her. Her eyes rolled and she stumbled into her bedroom, she walked back out with a beautiful blue box. I ran to her and carefully took the box and layed it on the coffee table. There was no wrapping but I didn't care. I looked under the lid and gasped loudly. It was my last one to collect, her hair was a beautiful, short, dark brown, hair. I hugged the doll carefully and placed her back into her collector box.

"You're getting too old for those pathetic things." My mother lit a match to her cigarette. I tightened my fist and knew whatever was going to come out of my mouth, I would certainly regret.

"Mother, your drunk, you wouldn't understand. I don't care what people think of my collection, I love them." I was surprised with my courage and forced myself to look into her furious green eyes. She threw the cigarette on the floor and walked towards me with heavy feet. I flinched at her tall figure and felt my hands cover me from her abuse.

"You'll never be a real man." She spat at me, a slap went across my face and my hands went to comfort my red skin. I felt a tear run down my face, I grabbed my box and ran towards my room. "Jack get back in here and face me like the man your father was." My father was a wonderful father, but a horrible husband. He would come home in the middle of the night and fight with my mother. Their divorce was final when I was 10, I would never forget that horrible man. But now my mothers anger was bottled up and she can't help herself.

I turned and saw her finger pointing to the ground where I was sitting earlier. I shook my head and took a couple steps away, a twisted smile appeared on her face and she ran toward the front door and grabbed my blonde sweetheart. Her long blonde curls were beautiful with her blue eyes. My mother held her by her arm and looked like she was about to break her.

"Mother please, I beg you, please don't do it." I ran toward her and got on my knees begging her to let her go. My mothers head cocked in an evil way and threw her against the wall. I ran toward her and saw the scratches on her face, I yelled and screamed but nothing helped the situation. My mother walked passed me in frustration and she stopped in her tracks. Everything seemed brighter, the room was now a tint of orange and red, I looked up and smelled smoke fill my lungs. My wet face turned around and saw my mother trying to put a fire out, my eyes widened as I saw her struggling. The fire ran up the flammable drapes and spread across our white carpet. What I noticed just across the fire was my adorable short brown haired doll, still safely in her box. Just about ten feet away from her was my companion, her long wavy hair still well kept and a beautiful candle dress.

My eyes then shot down to my blonde beauty, and just in my reach was my straight haired blonde. That's when I realized my red head was waiting in the kitchen, she was so excited about helping my mother make pie she couldn't help herself. My mind was being pulled between all of them, which one? Which was I going to rescue. I stood on my feet and looked at my mother, I walked slowly toward her and watched as she screamed trying to put the fire out. My two arms reached toward her and gave a hard push on her back, the woman lost her balance and fell to the ground. Screams of horror filled my ears and I watched as she frantically pat herself with her bare hands.

I looked at my doll, she was going to be the one I took from this horrible fire. My right arm reached for her, I smiled at the devious thing I did. That's when two hands grabbed my shoulders and pulled me out of reach. My eyes widened and I kicked trying to convince the person to let me go, I pushed and shoved on their chest but nothing worked. The fire then disappeared from my view and I knew I was being brought to the hospital. Whoever saved my life was going to pay, I closed my eyes and cried gasping for clean oxygen.

That same memory haunted me, at least only when it was close to my birthday.


Sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to show the relationship between Jack and his mom. Next chapter will be longer!!! Just be prepared for Jacks' Birthday too!

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