DOLLS- Chapter 20

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Chapter- 20


Scarlett's POV

After a week of recovering they finally let me out of my room. Crutches weren't a cup of tea. They patched up my leg and I was still getting oust to the half limb. I looked down as it dangled by itself without a right foot to feel the floor. My eyes then went to a body mirror in my bathroom. It was unusual for me not to wear a dress now. I was wearing my favorite skinny jeans and a long sleeved red shirt. I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut at the ends of my pants to match my stump. To do this I had to sit on the toilet and lean forward which was stretching my muscles.

After I cut my pants I stood up and crutched my way out of the room. I looked at the lobby that was right in front of my room. It was on the second floor so nothing was too crowded. I looked at my mom who was waiting on a bench. Thankfully the FBI wouldn't let any press inside the hospital for safety reasons.

"M-mom." I whispered and watched her head turn toward my direction. I was the new shiny toy, everyone knew about me. More known as 'That Girl who was Kidnapped.'

"I want to visit her." I smiled and watched my mom give me a weak smile. She led me to another room to the left about 12 rooms down. I looked at the closed door and back to my mom.

"The nurse said it was okay for you to visit." I nodded at her, i guess you could say, encouraging words.

I slowly opened the door and crutched inside. A girl was laying on the hospital bed. Georgia was looking out the window. She then looked toward me and smiled with the strength she had. The doctors told me her lungs gave out right after she got to the hospital. Monitors and more plugs were injected into her than me. They had to keep a close eye on her before she gave out herself.

"Hey Georgia," I whispered and sat in the chair next to her.

"Your leg?" Georgia pointed toward it.

"Don't worry about me," her belly wasn't noticeable with her layers of blankets. "What is it?" I motioned toward her baby.

"We don't know yet."


"I found my family," Georgia pointed toward the window and mountains of cards spread across the shelf.

"Oh my God, what did they say?"

"They said that they never gave up on me," Georgia's mouth turned to a frown and a loud breathing noise came from her. "My mother said, there wasn't a day when she thought I was dead."

"Georgia, you deserve this. Your family is such a blessing." Georgia suddenly felt pain in her throat and I gave her a glass of water. Shortly after she fell asleep and I quietly left.

When I crutched out my mom was waiting beside the door. I watched her eyes as the went to my stub and back to my eyes.

"Would you like to see, Ryan?" my mom has been bugging me about this the whole week!

"Mom, I'm not sure if I want to see him right now." I guess it's bad that I am avoiding him but I have my reasons. This is all my fault, I convinced myself this while I meditated this past week.

"Why not? He's really worried about you during all of this. He doesn't even know that you lost your leg. I didn't want to tell him over the phone." I looked at my mom who was worried for myself becoming sane again. She looked at her watch. "I have to go, I will tell Ryan he can come at one." I rolled my eyes and let my mom follow me back to my room. I sat in the hospital bed and watched the clock. Three more hours. I repeated inside my head.

During the first hour I could barley sit still.

Second hour came along and I could barley keep my eyes open.

I fell asleep.

Ryan's POV.

I finally got a response from Mrs. Reins. She said Scarlett could see me at one. Something was scratching at her voice through the phone. She sounded so disappointed, like there was something I didn't know. I thanked her and watched the clock. When 12:20 finally came around I didn't bother to say bye to anyone. My mom was still scared by my presence and my dad worked all the time. I grabbed my moms keys and walked out of the door. The drive was agitating. I kept thinking about the worst thing that could happen. the sad part was anything of the things could happen. What if she never thought about me when we were apart. What if her kidnapper got to her and triggered her mind to forget about us?

I sighed and watched as the car approach the hospital parking lot. I looked to the left which was the hospital itself and the right was the emergency care unit. I parked near the hospital itself and looked at the large sign. I've never seen the actual building itself.

"Hopes Medical Hospital"

Large blue words were plastered on a white metal sheet above the entrance doors. I parked the car near the front. I wasn't sure if it was safe for me to walk such a distance or not. My ribs were only sore when I put pressure on them. That might be good enough. I wondered what Scarlett looked like now. I could imagine her long brown hair flowing behind her as she ran in those woods. Did she receive my present? It took forever to convince them for me to use the footage.

Once I reached the entrance I walked straight to the elevator. Hopefully no one noticed me. Wheres the press? Isn't this a big new opportunity? I was just lucky no one saw me. Where would she be? I looked at the numbers reaching to a fifth floor. I pressed the number two and watched the doors close. It showed my reflection and noticed my hands shaking in nervousness. I quickly clenched my fists for them to stop. The doors opened and I walked toward the desk. I didn't want any attention in the crowded downstairs area.

"Excuse me?" I managed to cough up and grab the attention of the younger woman sitting and organizing papers.

"Yes?" The lady responded with an agitated voice, she didn't look up.

"Where is Scarlett Reins?" The name sent shivers down my spine.

"Only family." She still didn't look up.

"I am her... Boyfriend?"

I finally grabbed her attention. Her mouth parted open and she dropped the book in her hands.

"Your, Ry-" She tried to speak but couldn't say my name. "She is in that room." She pointed, I turned to the room she pointed to. Without looking back I walked slowly to the door and stopped at the closed door. I turned around and saw the desk lady move her hands in a motion for me to continue. This is it!

My hands reached for the cold knob and opened it quickly. The first thing I saw was a dark blue couch. I quickly ignored the object and walked in and looked at the window. Scarlett was laying in the hospital bed to the right. She looked adorable. I slowly walked toward her and saw crutches laying on the floor beside the bed. Why would she need crutches? She looked completely fine. I noticed her hair immediately. The long soft hair was gone, replaced with short brown hair with bangs. I traced the line of her jaw with my index finger. My head leaned into her and kissed her forehead.

I lifted her quilt covering her ad revealed a left leg and half of a right one. I gagged at the stub. It was something I didn't expect. My eyes jerked to the left to find a door unopened. Let's hope it's a bathroom. I ran toward the door and quickly opened it with a jerk. Thankfully there was a toilet. My insides rushed out of me. How could this happen to her? I wiped my mouth hoping I was done. Eager to leave I stood on my feet and weakly staggered out of the bathroom. My head was down ashamed that I couldn't do anything. My mind rushed with emotions and I didn't feel like puking again.

"Ryan?" The heavenly voice went into my ear. I missed that voice.

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