I took the cup of water out of Nathans hand as I sat down on his sofa now fully recovered from this morning’s blood loss. I’d had a warm bath to relax after Nathan had calmed me down and made sure I ate some food. He watched my every move warily as I tried to find a comfortable position with my bump.

            “I’m fine.” I sighed as I settled with just having to sit with my legs slightly further apart than usual, luckily I was wearing jeans. Nathan was about to protest and argue with me as the door knocked. He rolled his eyes and strolled over to the door in a huff of frustration, he pulled the door open to reveal George grinning away.

            “She’s not very well maybe we should cancel the plans.” Nathan told him defiantly. I stood up and walked to the door.

            “What plans?” I questioned annoyed that I wasn’t in on whatever was being planned. “And I’ve already told you I’m fine.” I aimed this at Nathan.

            “It’s fine we can cancel!” George held his hands up. I glared at him demanding to know what the plans were with just my expression. “Fine, I had a spa day booked for the pair of us, I know it’s supposed to be between two girls but since you don’t really have a girl best friend I’ll go through the treatments with you.” He winked at the end. I giggled imagining George sat having a manicure done whilst having his feet massaged.  

            “That’s not too much moving… if you’re still up for it I am.” I smiled hopefully up at Nathan after speaking to George.

            “Fine.” Nathan rolled his eyes and stormed off.        

            “YAY!” I clapped.

            “I have a bikini in my car for you that I brought for the Jacuzzi so we can just go now if you’re ready!”

            “You brought me a bikini?” I rose my eyebrow at him as I stepped out of the door shutting it behind me.

            “Yeah.” He shrugged as we walked towards his car. I laughed as I menatlly pictured George shopping for a bikini.

            I’d had a manicure, pedicure, massage, the lot, I now settled myself down into the Jacuzzi letting the heat and bubbles run over my body. This black bikini George had picked out looked pretty good and gave the right amount of support to my growing boobs, he was good at guessing sized.

            “Getting bigger yet the rest of you is getting smaller.” George looked at me concerned. I shut my eyes and rested my head on the side of the tub.

            “I’m fine.” I brushed off what he had said though it was true, I was exhausted after only being out of the house for three hours and I’d been sat down for most of that! I put up an act though not wanting to spoil the treat that George had booked for me on my birthday, it was sweet. He’d also gone through with what he said and had all the treatments too, although he had looked slightly uncomfortable on most of them.

            “Nathan said you were sick…”

            “He’s just being silly.”

            “I doubt it, he seemed pretty serious Sky.”

            “I’m fine!”


            “DROP IT GEORGE! Don’t ruin a perfectly good afternoon.” I spoke in frustration. He let out a sigh beside me.

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