Chapter 24.

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Chapter 24.

            “Really.” David’s monotone voice woke me up from my sleep. I looked up to see him stood in the doorway sending daggers my way.

            “What?” I grumbled just as George began to move in his sleep beside me, but remained asleep. “Oh.” I gave him a look that basically told him he was being ridiculous, he exhaled loudly and sat on the bed.

            “Pearl wants to see us both.” He looked and sounded exhausted. I reached out and put my hand in his, his eyes watched me warily. I lifted up the edge of the duvet and pulled him in beside me pulling the duvet back over him. I was in between him and George, feeling George’s warmth and David’s chill. I rested myself on David’s torso.

            “Where did you go?” I was fed up of fighting with him.

            “Nowhere in particular. I just needed to think.” He wrapped an arm around me and his body relaxed as his breathing became shallower, he really was exhausted, I fell back to sleep happily in between the two boys. My best friend and my boyfriend.

            I sat down on the sofa in library, David sat beside me whilst George and Nathan stood at the ends. Pearl walked into the room.

            “What do you know?” Nathan asked getting straight to the point. Pearl looked at my stomach which had already began to form, which was far too early. Something just wasn’t right, I should still have my flat stomach not already be getting my bump. She shook her head bringing herself back from the distraction. She sat on the edge of the desk facing us.

            “I had a feeling when she began collapsing that this is what was wrong. She’s pregnant.” Pearl began.

            “State the obvious!” David cut her off rudely. I glared at him.

            “Let her speak or get out.” I told him, he looked slightly taken aback by my outburst but nodded.

            “And it’s yours David.” She looked down as if she was considering how to put what she was about to say, I sat nervously waiting for her to continue. “Witches are able to conceive a vampire’s child. The witch and vampire relationship is obviously rare as is the witch being able to get pregnant with the vampires child, but it is possible. With Sky being such a powerful witch she was able to conceive as if she was a normal human girl with a normal human boy. However, that is the only way a vampire would be able to have children, through witches. There is only one other child who has been conceived by a witch and a vampire… you.” She looked at me as she said this. I rose my eyebrow in confusion. “You’re my daughter Sky…”

            “But… you’re a hybrid…”

            “I’m still a powerful witch and somehow that kept my reproduction system in order…”

            “And my dad?”

            “He was a witch. He’s dead, I drank him dry.” She shrugged. So in the space of a few seconds I’d found out who my real mum is and that she murdered my real dad. “I didn’t know I was pregnant until a couple days later when I heard an extra heartbeat. The process is sped up due to the vampire side, each day is equal to a month in the pregnancy. You’re on day 3 which is month 3.”

            “So you’re my mum…”

            “Yes. As soon as I had you I was in shock, I knew that I couldn’t take care of you so I gave you up to your parents. I came back to town to find you. Only to find out you’ve merged with my ex-best friend.”

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