Chapter 4.

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Chapter 4

            I woke all of a sudden, it took me a few seconds to realise that I was safe, in my room, covered in sweat with my heart beating a hundred miles per hour. I peered at the alarm clock, crap, ten minutes late! I jumped up out of bed and rushed into the shower to wash away the nightmare.

            I rushed out of the house and shoved my key into the ignition, I turned it and the engine roared to life, then coughed and cut out.

            “Don’t do this!” I yelled out, turning the key again, it coughed and spluttered but nothing. “Great, just bloody great!” I screamed and pulled the keys out of the ignition and shoved them in my bag. “You big pile of crap!” I kicked the car as I slammed the door. Great, now I’d have to walk to school in the rain! I shoved my bag on to my shoulder and trudged my way through the rain, I should really invest in an umberella.

            “Need a ride?” Nathan’s voice pulled me from my angry thoughts. I turned and scowled at him sat in his black car dressed in black, too angry to fear him today.

            “Get lost! Just leave me alone for crying out loud!” I continued my walk towards the school.

            “Oh come on, I’m not that bad am I?” He winked at me, I ignored it. “I still haven’t seen David.” I continued trudgeing on. “But I can guarentee he’s seen you.” I stopped, he’d told me this last night. My nightmare came rushing back to me, the colour drained from my face. What does he mean by this? I could see him smirk out of the corner of my eye, he gave a short laugh and drove off. 

            “EURGH!” I grunted but continued my trudge to school. Suddenly the rain stopped from hitting me and I knew instantly that David would be stood there with an umberella. “WILL YOU JUST STOP THAT!” I turned around in frustration to see George, a boy a year below me holding an umberella over my head, his brown eyes wide in fear… of me. “I’m so sorry George, I thought you were someone else.” I instantly felt bad for him, he was just trying to be nice.

            “Erm… I… erm, I saw you walking alone and you’re only in your cheer uniform so I erm… I just thought I could share my umberella with you.” George’s voice was quiet and timid. I knew who he was purely because he was the boy everyone made fun of, yet last year he seemed to be the only one who would sit with me when I was pushing people out and grieving. He never once tried to make conversation he’d just sit there in silence. Every break and every lunch. He knew what it was like to be on your own, he also knew I didn’t want to talk, so just the company of someone else was nice for me and I knew it was especially nice for him. I felt a pang of sadness that that company was over, that he has returned to sitting by himself. He was really smart, I mean like seriously smart, he’s in most of my classes because he’s just too clever for his year’s.

            “No, no, it’s really nice of you, thank you!” I smiled at him trying to calm him down. He just smiled back at me. “So, how have you been?” I asked.

            “The same really.” He shrugged, with that he meant he is just getting by, still being taunted for his braces, for being extra smart, for tucking his shirt in, for wearing his top button done. Man, kids really were harsh. I liked George. “You Sky?”

            “Better thanks.” I smiled. Usually I’d tell people yes I’m fine and lie, but not to George, no. I was better, but that didn’t mean I was fine, he knew this. We spent the rest of the walk in silence, how we both enjoyed it. Though, to ruin my mood, out of the corner of my eye I saw David just watching us with an almost angry look. I tried to ignore it, maybe he was just late for school too? But I’d heard he lives in that big house the other side of town, surely he wouldn’t take this route to school? Then Nathan’s words crept up into my mind, ‘I still haven’t seen David, but I can guarentee he’s seen you.’

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