Waiting For Supergirl

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Lewis had been tied to a chair and blindfolded in someplace he didn't recognize. The voices were all new to him except for one, Zhirkov. He was talking to someone they all referred to as the general.

"General, this will only get worse from here. I made a deal with her; we don't mess with her or her people and she won't kill ours."

"You spoke for yourself there Zhirkov. I made no such deal, but only to keep Mainstream from following her into the dark route."

"And guess what turns out even the Vanguard army is on its way. If they bring their jets with them, I will leave you to burn with this place."

There was a bit of a scuffle, and the General's voice was way angrier now. "Don't forget your place Zhirkov. I made you, and I can replace you now. Your loyalty is to me, after all, I am your general. Not some freak assassin who could kill you without a second thought."

"Well you have made your decision General, and I will not die with you. The Vanguard army will surround this place in an hour on all sides. And V169 is prowling around here somewhere. You are pushing yourself between the devil and an army three times stronger than you. Best of luck, you will need it."

Lewis heard Zhirkov's footsteps as he walked away. They had gagged his mouth too when they realized just how irritating his words could be, and one of the guards had been tempted to shut him up forever. The guard had been stopped in time and sent away, with the claim that Lewis was needed alive. Lewis however knew the bounty on his name could still be collected even when he was dead, so they only kept him alive because they feared what she would do.

Lewis thought of Turana and prayed that they had ignored her and that she had found his note. Something was very wrong with her and she had not told him.

Suddenly footsteps came closer to him.

"Hello there."

It was the general.

"I hope you aren't making any plans, cause no one, not anyone is going to get you out of here until I get at least twenty-five million from them."

Even Lewis was a bit surprised by that one. Although he did know the info on that chip cost a lot more than that and having it made him valuable. Lewis was glad he didn't have it on him though, and if it hadn't been for Vivian's gun he wouldn't have seen them coming for him.

The general however was still rolling on.

"I've got more than five hundred soldiers in this place. About one hundred fifty within these walls, and the rest patrolling the entire dark route. Now I have heard some great stories about that woman, but I am sure even she cannot get through that many guns without being put down."

Wishful thinking.

That was what Lewis wished he could tell the general. He didn't know what limits Vivian heard but he had seen her bleed, he had seen her fall. And she wasn't the kind to wait and plan if force was the only option. She had saved him from death situations a couple of times before, and he was hoping she could do it again.

Where are you, Vivian?

If Lewis hadn't had his eyes covered maybe, just maybe he would have seen the tiny blinking dot in the window of the building opposite.

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