Deception II

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In all her days as the wife to the richest man in the world, Victoria Alba had never been to the Harbor. Every once in a while, Vincent had let her handle some deals in Vanguard while he was away, but never the military ones. All in all, she never had reason to step foot in Vanguard's military stronghold.

And definitely none to earn her a stay at the White House.

Until now.

There had been absolutely no delay in the journey from the mansion. They had taken a direct helicopter flight to the roof of the Harbor, and when she dared a look over the edge, Victoria had nearly fainted. Commander Adrian had been there with her, and he let her hold onto his arm for balance.

"You drink too much," he had told her as they went down the stairs. The elevator wouldn't be needed, since they were going only a floor down.

"And you kill too much," she had replied. "I am destroying my own body. It is mine. You, on the other hand..." She had stopped there and looked up at him.

His face was the perfect image of nonchalance, which made Victoria chuckle.
"You don't care, do you?"

He had left her at the foot of the stairs where a blazer clad guard had suddenly appeared.
"Mrs. Alba?" He opened the for for her. "The President is waiting for you."

Victoria remembered every single detail of the meeting.

The setup of the room had obviously been designed to intimidate first time entrants. A thick tan carpet covered the entire floor, and a trio of leather armchairs sat round a maple table. A sofa stretched across the other end of the room, and just behind it the Vanguard Presidential seal was plastered onto the wall.

"Glad you could make it."

The President stood inconspicuously by one of the glass windows that covered the entire span of the opposite wall. The curtains had been pulled away to the ends of the room.
The first thought that had come to Victoria's mind was how exposed it was.

"Inch thick bullet proof glass," said the President, as though reading her mind. "Also, this floor is far higher than every building around us with sniper range. The kill shot would quite difficult to pull off."

A movement from across the room startled Victoria. There was another person in with them apparently, a lean stocky man with a silver briefcase. He placed it on the maple table and pulled several papers out, then backed away.

"Have a look at those Victoria," the President said.

Victoria had been in enough business deal to recognise the papers immediately. She backed away from the table.
"Ownership transfer documents. For Mainstream. What are these for?" She asked the other woman.

The President didn't turn around even as she replied.
"For you of course," she said. "Vincent has had his fun, and now it's your turn to hold the reigns of power."

"Actually, madame President, with all due respect, I hold the reigns now." Victoria pushed the papers back towards the briefcase. "With Vincent away, Mainstream is mine."

The President tapped thrice on the window and it slid away, letting in a cool breeze that ruffled her hair.
"It is. But what if you had an accident?" She said. "What if you slipped and fell off the ninety third floor of the Harbor?"

With the door locked, Victoria warily eyed the only other person in the room. The man stood still in the shadows, almost completely hidden by the darkness around the edges of the room.

"With Vincent missing and Jose in prison, Mainstream would have to be taken over by the government. It is easier that way I guess." She shrugged. "But I can't turn down an opportunity to gain an ally in this war."

The man leaned away from the shadows and pushed the papers back towards Victoria, this time with a pen. The sleeve of his hand pulled back and she saw a familiar pattern drawn there in ink.
"I will sign," Victoria muttered, and then added, "On one condition."

She waited for the President's reaction.

"Go on," the President urged.

"My son isn't to be harmed," Victoria said.

"Done," the President replied, almost too quickly in Victoria's opinion. "But I only speak for my people. We will not touch a single hair on his head. You have my word."

As of now, she owned Mainstream but only until her husband resurfaced. Once she signed, it would be hers permanently and legally. There must have been strings attached, and although Vincent had warned her never to sign anything without arguing for a better deal, this was the finest she could negotiate. There was no use straining the President's mercy any further.

Victoria picked up the pen and signed the papers. She noticed Vincent's signature was already there. Somehow they had manipulated him into signing his family's life work away.

A knock came at the door, and a General, judging from the stars on his chest walked in. He saluted, and then spoke, "Madame President we have eyes on one of Athena's top personnel."

The President tapped the glass again and it slid shut.

"They were spotted in Sector twenty three. It was the same location where-"

"I need Blair, Merkel or Adrian on it," she interrupted.

"All three are going after the vixen as of now," the General Eric replied.

"Those are occupied," the President said, and then muttered to herself, "And even three might not be enough."

She was silent for a while.
"One of the other Commanders will have to do. Oh, and prepare an escort for Mrs. Alba here."


"The White House." The President replied.

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