Her Team

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The first thing Lewis did when he was close enough was to throw a punch at her.

He missed of course, terribly. So much that he lost his balance and fell. She surprisingly caught him before he met the ground.

"Were you trying to hit me?" He could hear the amusement in her voice.

Lewis shrugged off her hand and straightened himself. "Nothing compared to you trying to kill me last night. What was that anyway?"

Vivian didn't sound the least bit apologetic as she put forward her version of a sorry.

"Lucky for you I didn't."

"Where is that woman? Turana, I think, did you kill her?"

Vivian stayed silent and Lewis once again prepared to throw another fist but she wagged a finger at him.

"You try that again and I'll rip your arm off."

She said it in a passive voice, which didn't make it any less of a threat to Lewis. He had to be content with kicking and stomping on the trash can beside the road, completely forgetting his injured ankle.

A minute later he was still on the ground whimpering like a dog. He mentioned a few choice words Vivian heard clearly but pretended not to have.

"Are you finished?"

"Gimme a second."

He took long deep breaths for a bit, then faced her. "A warning next time if you want to throw me out a window of a skyscraper."

"You better hope there isn't the next time. I was on the roof and barely got to you in time."

Lewis turned and looked at the Star. The hotel looked like it had been given a nasty haircut, with the roof and top floor broken off where the missiles had hit. Not to mention the gaping hole that had been their room.

 He also noted that there were four floors between that gap and the roof.

"How did you know the missiles were coming?"

Vivian raised her left hand, tapping her watch. Lewis slapped his forehead for asking that question.

Of course, it was the watch.

"So how exactly did you cover that distance in such a short time?"

Vivian shrugged as she replied.

"A short time for you maybe. I had to get Turana off the roof first then come for you."

"First of all, that's impossible. Second, yeah, and then you killed her genius."

"First of all, I don't know what the term impossible means. Second, she's not dead."

"According to the London dictionary- wait Turana's alive?"

"You want to see her?"

Lewis leaped to his feet with unforeseen enthusiasm.

"Of course I want to see her!"

He then saw the knowing look Vivian was giving him, and quickly added, "And to thank her, after all, she put herself in your way to save me. By the way, how did-"

Vivian was already walking away. Lewis limped after her as quickly as he could. They went around the Star, and there she was. That guard too.

Lewis sped up, going before Vivian and hugging Turana. She gave Vivian a questioning look and got a blank one in reply.

"Thank you very much for saving my life," he breathed, "if there is anything I could do for you, anything?"

Turana looked to Vivian once again. Vivian got the meaning now. The clone wanted permission. Orders if you wanted.

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