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As I try to conjure the best possible direction for V169 , I thought this would be a good idea.

B.I.T for BackInTime

Every once in a while I will publish these chapters that will explain and divulge a bit more about V169. Of course they will be filled with lots of action too, I mean what's a Vanguard Vixen chapter without some sort of fight or ending that leads to one?

So, here's the first B.I.T for you;
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"We have another task for you V169."

Vivian narrowed her eyes at that. She had just returned from her last mission in London. The story was even still live on the large screens distributed throughout the Harbor. The assassination of the London Prime Minister.

To Vivian he had only been target 16.

The Commander had waited for her to process that and then continued.

"Your kind have gone rogue. The other vixens, 168 in total have all taken off their i-watches. We stopped 165 of them with nano technology before they got far but the three got away. We have no way of finding them except for the carnage they leave behind."

He handed a tablet to her with pictures, and then a video clip at the end. There was a line of soldiers—Vanguard soldiers, that had been made to kneel with their hands on their heads. Three vixens executed them without remorse. Vivian wasn't focused on them but on the surroundings.

"They are headed towards the dark route."

"Yes. We want you to intercept them, before the dark route gets itself the second most dangerous weapons in the world. Second to you of course."

Vivian had to make sure.

"Terminate. They are...faulty. Damaged, not fit for duty."

Vivian flicked through the pictures again.

"I see they still have custom weapons. Can any of these fatally harm me?"

The Commander laughed nervously."You're our best V169, we wouldn't give another vixen a weapon that can kill you."

She knew he was lying. But she would handle that later.
"Once I finish this, it makes me the last one alive. If I find any trace of nano-weapons in this place I will tear it down floor by floor, person by person."

"I have no doubt on that. I will tell the President about your condition."

Vivian stood up to leave, then stopped and turned to the Commander."One more thing. Is my bike ready?"

"Hangar 9E. Took them a while to add your requirements but they fit it all in there. Good luck Viv, these aren't the normal targets."

Her eyes carried across a warning as she replied. "And I am not the normal predator. Remember that."

There. He wouldn't say she didn't warn them.

In addition to the vertical elevators that carried personnel up and down across the ninety three floors of the Harbor, there were horizontal elevators that took them from one end to the other. The Harbor was wide almost as much as it was high, so every ten floors there was a horizontal elevator that travelled along a set rail path around the end of the floors, between the wings and the centre.

Vivian went into one of these, and as the elevators were right at the edge of the floors it gave a beautiful view to the broken world outside. She was on the ninety third floor, moving from the centre to the east wing.

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