The Way Out

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Warning; A bit of language in this one.

Turana kicked down the final door in her way. She had gone door to door, looking for where they had put Lewis and taking out anyone who tried to take her out.

There were more than a dozen mercenaries surrounding the person tied to a chair in one corner.


Most of them looked scared, because you just couldn't be human and keep your cool when Vanguard was sending its air force at you.

"Where is the General?"

"We have orders to keep this man here till the General gets back."

"Till he gets back? Have any of you seen what is going on out there? I shot down the one jet they had sent here and it will not be long till-"

She was interrupted by Ali, whom she had not recognized at the back before.

"You took out the jet?"

She ignored him.

"Your General has left you behind and there is no way he will come back. The next jets that come will be to ensure no part of this place stays standing. So I am going to give you one chance to stand down, so we can find a way out of here or I could kill you all and take him."

Ali, put his gun down first and crossed over to stand beside Turana.

"Come on guys. She is the only way we get out of here alive, and you know that."

One by one they put away their guns. Turana waited, looking each one in the eye and once she was sure none was likely to attack her the moment she turned away she went to Lewis, taking out the gag in his mouth first.

"Turana, is that really you?"

She took of his blindfold then.

"Who else would it be?"

"Her of course. She was always the one who got me out of these situations."

Turana tried not to take offense that he had expected her instead. She set about freeing his hands, making sure to tug the ropes harder than she should have.

"Ouch, oh what is going on back there? It seems like you're just tightening them further."

Turana paused and spoke to him.
"Lewis, shut up. You should be thankful that I love you too much to leave you here."

That joined another one of the few times in his life Lewis found himself without the words.

She said it.

The moment his hands were free he pulled her close and kissed her, which turned out to be a bad idea considering his legs were still tied to the chair. The result of that was the chair toppling backward but Turana being who she was reacted quickly and stopped their fall.

Their faces were inches apart, the mercenaries in the room who were watching with interest forgotten.

"If you say something as dumb as that again Lewis-"

He pulled her onto him completely this time and she couldn't stop their fall. The chair not being able to hold the weight of their bodies or their emotions even, broke when it made contact with the ground.

It was Ali, who remembered the time conscious situation they were in and also realised how far things were going between Turana and Lewis that tapped Turana's shoulder and snapped her back to reality.

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