F.O.X.3 Titan Trait (Three)

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Vivian stood back and chuckled as she watched a fifty-three-year-old man grin and whoop like a crazy five-year-old as he fired continuously at the door. When he was all out, she went to him.

"Are you satisfied now?" She asked.

He shrugged and looked up at the two remaining turrets. "I bet if we brought down those two-"

A deafening sound filled the clear night sky as Vivian snapped the door off its hinges with a single kick. Luke nodded at her.

"Impressive. But no fun at all."

A pungent smell from the inside hit Vivian, and she drew out her gun and then went inside the metal cube. The captain was spilling gasoline all over a pile of papers and books.

Vivian put down her gun.
"Fire. That's what you'd locked yourself in here to start?"

The captain stopped and stared at her.
"You're her."

"No wait. You could have called for backup, you could have sent out an SOS to any nearby Vanguard forces, but you were too busy doing what? Protecting state secrets."

"I would die for my country." He said bravely.

Vivian took a seat and motioned for Luke to stay outside. She needed a word with the captain alone.

"In due time yes, you will die, but not for your country. Because of your country. I just need to know one thing. Don't lie, I can tell."

The captain nodded.

"Have you transported nanotechnology aboard this ship before?"

"A few times, yes, from a port in London. But just parts, they were not assembled or even active."

"So you could show me the coordinates of where you delivered them?"

He nodded.

"And this warship is equipped with nuclear weapons, isn't it?"

"That's right."

"First thing, I want all connections of this ship to the Harbor cut. Every single one."

Moments later when Vivian walked out, Luke and his crew were treated to a breathtaking view of several missiles launching from the ship and taking off into the night sky.

"Might I ask where those are headed?"

"You just did," Vivian replied, then continued. "I warned them, and they didn't listen."

Luke had no idea what she was talking about, and he didn't bother asking.

"I didn't kill the other guy." She told him.


"The warship is coded to him. You need him alive." She replied.

"Where to next?" He asked her.

She turned to him.

"I am not the captain of this ship Luke, you are. Now I know you might be tempted to pay a visit to some of your pirate foes. Honestly, I don't care. But I need you to help me."

"Anything V169, after tonight, anything."

"Amass a fleet, but try not to draw attention. When this war finally happens I'll need allies, both on land and sea. I hope you will be there when I need you."

"Are you kidding? I owe you my life. Deal."

"They are going to send one of Vanguard's best after you. Don't turn on the communications, don't stop moving."

Luke nodded grimly.

Vivian shook his hand and made her way to the last helicopter on the deck. As they watched it disappear into the clouds, Captain Luke spoke to the men and women behind him.

"I'd bet my warship right now. That woman is going to rule the world one day."

The former captain began to speak, but the woman next to him shushed him. "You're gonna ruin the moment."

Captain Luke raised his hands in disbelief. "Oh my god, you people can't even stay quiet for a few seconds to feel the moment?"

The crew murmured among themselves, and he waved them down. "It's gone now, and we'll never have it again. Okay! Let's clean up this place and get to growing our force. Today I stand before you as Captain Luke-"

He was interrupted by a voice from the back.

"I thought it was Hook?"

"Shut your mouth, Kai! No one likes a small recorder. But you should record this." He puffed out his chest and looked up into the sky.

"Today I am a Captain, tomorrow, I am an Admiral."

No one made a single sound this time. He looked down at them with wide unbelieving eyes.
"Come on! That's when you cheer, and throw hats in the air!"

"We don't have hats!"


She is back. With a bang!
But not as good as she should be. Will this be a problem in the future?

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