A Dance with The Devil's Son

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Vivian sat in the back of a theatre, although none of her attention was on the wide off-the-mark dramatic representation of the Great War. Above, where the VIPs were seated was where her eyes were fixed, in particular to one Jose Alba, an only child to multi-billionaire Vincent Alba thus the heir to the vast empire his father owned. It was one of those corporate events that were only attended by invite and for the wealthy. Vivian had to pull a lot of strings to get her into the event, which was being held at one of Mainstream's biggest fashion branches. It had been a really big risk, but one that would help the cause she was pushing for.

The gathering was one of those masquerades where the women had to don masks, and Vivian held a red and black fox mask that went perfectly with her long crimson dress that had a thigh-high slit up the left. She had already made eye contact with him several times during the speeches from the executives, and she had turned down all the polite dance requests from several men that had got the guts to ask. The play was short and then came the drinking, talking, and dancing. She still stood by herself at the back, waiting. And finally, when she saw Jose whisper to one of his bodyguards and then nod towards her, she couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Mr. Jose wishes for you to join him."

"You tell your boss that I'll not be here long."

The guard walked back to Jose and whispered her reply into his ear. Jose smiled as he looked at her but she pretended not to notice. Even when he made his way across the room and stood right next to her she still looked the other way.

"You do clean up quite well for a cold-blooded killer."

"And that is not the way to speak to a lady, Jose. Your father should have taught you that by now."

Jose stopped a passing waiter and picked two glasses off her tray. He handed Vivian the red wine.

"If I remember well that was always your favorite. Also, my father hates women and tells me every day how they should be put in their place. He's still a bit old-fashioned."

"I think it's more serious than that, although I do hope you don't share his dislike for the fairer sex."

"Only lucky I wasn't born a girl, otherwise I do love to surround myself with the best Vanguard has to offer, and you have topped that list today."

Vivian put down her glass and let him kiss her hand.

"Your father is trying to kill me; you wouldn't perhaps be able to put in a good word for the, best Vanguard has to offer?"

"The only people my father listens to in your situation are the Directors of the Mainstream companies. I am only in charge of the fashion industry, mon amour. I do not have that kind of influence on his war plans. Hey, are you going to finish that?"

Vivian shook her head and Jose downed her glass in one gulp. He then held out a hand for her.

"Would you honor me with a dance, for old times' sake?"

Vivian wished he could see her roll her eyes behind her mask as she took his hand and let him drag her onto the dance floor.

 Jose babbled on about the memories they had shared but Vivian was only half listening. The two though had met when Vivian had been told to guard Jose's father at a conference he was to attend at the Star hotel. Jose had been part of his father's entourage, much younger then of course and he had been interesting enough for Vivian to consider a meaningful acquaintance. Usually, when she was to protect extremely important people, which she always saw as a waste to her offensive capabilities, she made sure not to get to know anyone during her time with them. Jose however was different, with his free spirit and disregard for authority which had made him the more difficult client to protect, compared to his father who went along with his armed guard. Not to mention the fact that he was roguishly handsome. She thus had to spend more time with him than to keep him out of trouble which she did, but he did leave a mark enough for her to remember him.

The Vanguard VixenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora