Part 10(Short)

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It was a really lovely night that you have with them. You wish that you could feel like that again. You went up to Amaya seeing who's she was getting ready to battle somewhere else.

Y/m: Listen Amaya, I want to let you know that I love you with all my heart.

Amaya started to do her hand sign while Gren was interpreting them for hers.

Green: Worry not about me, Milord. I will be fine.

You looked at her deep In the face seri g her giving you a justice look. It means way more that to you. You pulled her in and kisses her n the lite for the lasts time.

Y/n: I'm gonna need you to be careful out there.

She sided at you before she left. Soren looked at you in a way that you would get annoyed by the wya that he had said it.

Soren: Awkward.

Y/n: Son, you know that you are many years away from getting a woman that you love with you.

Soren: Okay... but what does that have to do with anything though?

Y/n: It means, that you have to have fight for someone that will care for you and you will make it up for her and she will kindly do the same.

Soren: Did you do that for Amaya?

Y/n: I did indeed. As well in bed.

Soren: What do you mean by that?

Y/n: You will know really soon😏

Soren: I have not the slightest clue what you mean? Did you gave her something while she was sleeping?

Y/n: Oh I gave her something alright. You better be sure that you give your special something. You will have the will to raise your own prince.

Soren: Can you explain all that over again? I mean, I don't what you mean to raise your prince? What does that have ru do with anything exactly?

Y/n: I think that you are still a child. You need to work in something. You know someone that you care about more than me. You know, you have make her give broth to that baby.

Soren: You know what? Never mind, I don't that's I will be having a girlfriend.

Y/ : What makes you say that son?

Soren: I don't think there is a girl here that is my type.

Y/n: Why not? I think that there is a girl that suit you pretty well here son.

Soren looked around to room to see if there any girl that would be enough for him. There is one that does look pretty enough for him.

The girl that he was looking g at was a really wild fire

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The girl that he was looking g at was a really wild fire. He just could stop looking at her. He know that he is gonna have to do something if he want impress her.

Y/n: Do you see anyone that you like?

Soren: Yeah....

Y/n: Then how does she look?

Soren: She look really pretty.

Y/n: Now there is your chance. You have to go and tell her about yourself.

Soren: Come on dad. I don't t want to.

Y/n: if you want to be a real man like yir father you're gonna have to do a lot better than that. Now tell her about yourself.

Soren walked slowly towards the sun for elf and started to speak to her.

Soren: Hello... I'm Soren.

Elf: Hi, I'm Ashita?

Soren: Well, you now I think that you really pretty and I would like to see you in the Bartel field.

Ashita: I would like see that same thing about you.

Soren: Oh really? You know I don't think that I will be that much to impress you.

Ashita: No? That's a shame. I think that you wood do a lot good yourself. You do have cute little sword indeed.

Soren:* in his mind* She said that ties sword is cute but you have y keep it together Soren. *Out loud* Now you see I think that I would do something special for you in bed.

Soren had no idea what that even means and Ashita had no idea what r meant by that. She just found that statement ti he a little bit pervy. She withdraw her sword rough form her sheathe and pointed it right at his throat.

Ashita: I don't know what time of funny business that you have here but I am not having it. I think that it would be best for you to knock it off and go right back to your daddy.

Soren had his hand up in the air in surrender.

Soren: Okay, Okay. I get ya.

Soren went back over to you in disappointmentthat he didn't got off on a good start but he will get better soon,

Y/n: Now what was that son?

Soren: Honestly I don't know I think that was doing right but I think that I have gotten off on a really bad start. I think that have did something wrong. Where did I go wrong?

Y/n: Leat just say that you got off on an early consume the event in bed way too early. You have to give some time.

Soren: Seriously, this whole bed thing is starting to get to my head. U thbink that I gave a lot Kate to learn than this.

Y/n: You really do. I know that you are not really the brightest.

Soren: Thanks for pointing that out to me.

You had just enough time with your son, you think that it should be about time that you gotten onto something that is worth your time. What could you do now? You think that it would be best for you to wait for Amaya. See is really a warrior in the very eyes of you. You fear not for her life all thanks to that fact. You will to all that is best for all of the kingdom. It may be that it looks like all of the kingdom is safe but there is something that is gonna happen really soon and you can't be so sure what is gonna happen next. So you have to stay on your guard no matter what. You took up your staff and raised it up high like it have all the power that all matters to you. You know that it wouldn't be all that much but it have to be all worry it.

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