Part 1

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You, the renowned mage and former esteemed knight of Katolis, stood tall among the magical elite. The realm recognized your exceptional prowess, both in combat and the arcane arts. However, your heart yearned for something more, and you made the life-altering decision to embrace your true passion: becoming a mage.

Life had been kind to you. Not only were you a trusted confidant and the best friend of King Harrow, but you also had the privilege of raising your two beloved children, Claudia and Soren, on your own. The recent passing of your wife had left a void in your heart, but the love you held for your children fueled your determination to provide them with a nurturing and joyful life.

On a momentous day following the coronation, King Harrow approached you with an extraordinary proposition. He wished for you to collaborate on a grand painting that would forever immortalize your connection to the royal family. The prospect thrilled you, as it symbolized the deep bond you shared with the king and the honor you felt being part of his legacy.

However, amidst the joyous occasion, an unsettling urgency loomed in the air. News had reached the kingdom of a fearsome dragon that threatened the safety of Katolis. The weight of responsibility settled upon your shoulders as you contemplated facing this perilous adversary.

Retreating to the solitude of your chamber, you retrieved your cherished staff, a relic that had been passed down through generations of your family. As you held it in your hands, you marveled at its intricate carvings and whispered words of encouragement, hoping it would aid you in the upcoming confrontation.

With resolve in your heart, you approached King Harrow, the weight of the impending battle etched on your face. You shared your concerns about the looming threat, highlighting the danger it posed to the realm and its people. King Harrow, recognizing your expertise and unwavering loyalty, listened attentively to your words, his eyes filled with trust and admiration.

Together, you and the king devised a plan to face the formidable dragon, combining your strategic brilliance and magical prowess. The safety of the kingdom rested on your shoulders, but you drew strength from the love you held for your children, knowing that their well-being depended on your success.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the land, you prepared for the impending battle that would test your mettle. With your family's legacy in mind, the weight of your staff in hand, and a determined spirit, you stepped into the unknown, ready to confront the formidable dragon and protect the realm you held dear.

Y/n: Harrow, you are like a brother to me, and I willingly offer to guard you against the dragon.

Harrow: Y/n, I understand that times can be tough, but you don't have to do this.

Y/n: No, I choose this path. I would rather die as a mage than live as a coward. I choose to face the dragon and stand my ground. You will not go into battle alone.

You locked eyes with Harrow, both of you recognizing the determination in each other's gaze. Walking purposefully through the room, you gathered as many men as you could, rallying their spirits for the upcoming fight. Standing before your assembled troops, you delivered a resolute speech.

Y/n: Today is a momentous day. It is time we rise and show the dragon the consequences of defying who we are. We have been enslaved for far too long, but now we shall fight back.

With your staff raised high, your soldiers erupted in cheers, their voices echoing with unwavering determination. You awaited the presence of King Harrow by your side, observing him as he rode in on his majestic horse. And there, beside him, stood Queen Sarai, a breathtaking figure ready to join the battle.

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