Part 16

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After that amazing night with Janai and Amaya, you think that it is about time that you got ready for the battle that awaited you. You alerted your son about what you needed to do.

Soren: Hey dad.

Y/n: Son, you are the most trusted crown guard for the king and you will take the title of ring the most Perry's knight in Katolis.

Soren: You really think so dad?

Y/n: Yeah. By the way, how your relationship going wiry that Elf girl?

Soren: I think that we are going really good. So can you come at me with the bed thing again?

Y/n: Fine, When Yiu two are ready after that fight, you will get into bed and you will both have the will to have kids.

Soren: I have no idea how that works.

Y/n: I think that you will no what it means really soon. No one don't like weak men so the thing that you have to do is to worry about how you are gonna defend yourself,

Soren: On it.

Soren marches into the training room. While he was doing so, he started ti do some sort of work out.

Y/n: What are you doing?

Soren: I'm doing some workout. I'm gonna have to strengthen up my muscles if I'm gonna want to get ready.

Y/n: Okay, whatever help you.

Aarovos whispered into your ears again.

Aarovos: Now, of your are able to concerned all d your strength, you will be able to gain all of the power and it will be unstoppable.

Y/n: Okay. If I have the time, I will be able Yu do that.

Outside of the kingdom.

Azrael was slowly March I g his way into the kingdom. With him, there was a lot of monsters that he had created. He is gunna make the dragon prince the most powerful that he had ever created. E will not hesitate to obliterate anyone that dares to stand in his way.

Back in the kingdom.

You looked outside and you saw no sign f Azrael's army. What is taking him so long. He is planning something really big or is he is delaying the fight so that he could build more of his army. You know that that is Gina rnd will amd you have Yu come up with some really fast before he et his way. He is the most dangerous thing that will endanger Katolis and he will be stopped at all cost.

In the dungeons.

As Gus was down in the room, he was playing all by himself. He made some loud nosies and the guards hit so annoyed that they felt the red ti kick the cell doors.

Guard: Will you keep it down in there. I'm trying not hear all of your loud noises.

Gus: I hate to break it ti ya, but I'm nkt gonna stop. You're gonna have listen to me all day long. There is no way that you are gonna et rid of me.

Guard: Yiu really do have a big mouth on you.

Gus: Tou got that right. And you wanna know what? It's get bigger.

Guard looked at him. He saw something really disturbing. His mouth turned into something like that'd a monster.

Gus*monster  voice* I wonder how you will taste like.

The guard took up his cross bow and fired at him. The arties were nothing nothing to do him and so he was able to break out of the cage. He grabbed a hold of the guard and swallowed him whole.

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