Part 7

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The royal meeting was starting right now and prince Kasef was just in time. He wasn't the right person to speak to right now.

Ezran: I'm sorry about what happened to your father but it is decided that we will not wage war in Xadia.

Kasef: Is there's something that I'm missing. I don't think that this child should be on the throne right now.

Kuala looked at all the people in the throne as they were all cowards. He knows that he is the master of chaos. So he uses some spell that he could so that he could make it seems that the human assassin has attacked Xadia. Now in return, they all strike back. He just wanted to suck up the king of Katolis.  They didn't know about what they had done.

Kuala: I know that it is hard to be King but you have to make the right choice.

Ezran nodded at Kuala.

Ezran: Look, I hope that your father would get better I'm sorry if it has caused you any pain but we are not gonna wage war on Xadia.

Kasef: Then you hav failed as a king and most of all, You have failed as son . If you cannot take actions on the ones that hurts us so much, I think that it is about time that Katolis got a new king. You said that they wanted peace. I don't know where you have gotten that made up tales from but I refuse to believe that they want peace. They attacked the other kingdom  unprovoked and now you pity them? I don't wanna hear another word that is coming out of that mouth of yours. Do you remember the time that the elf assassin took away your father. How could you not know how that felt like?

Just before he could get thrown out by the guard, he walked out.

Kasef: You don't have to assert me out of here. You people disgust me.

Kuala: I know that it's hard to do the right thing. Now if you want to be a really good king the only choice that you have now is to step down and make the right choice.

Ezran looked at Kuala for a bit before decided to speak up.

Ezran:* To the people* I know that my father was a decent man that would make the right choice. He was really brave and he fought hard for all the people of Katolis. I never won any battles or fought in any war but I know that it was tough for my father to make the right choice. So where even in the cloud I know that he is still watching over all of you and knowing that you are all safe. I decided I don't have to be the man that my father was.

Ezran steppes some from the throne and placed the crow back whne it cam from. He walked away from the room.

Kuala: Now, what can I say about taking crowns and make sure that we have a king that is strong. I will make Katolis strong again.

Kuala took up the crown and prepared to put it on. Opeli doesn't like the way how he  is going with this

Opeli: What are you doing? Just because King Ezran has stepped one that doesn't mean you can go ahead and take his place. We have a law. It can tell us how we can choose who can be king. That is how we do thing for centuries. You didn't forget did you?

Kuala: No I didn't. I don't know if  you know it. I don't t need to any law . I was the one that was working hard for my people. I don't need any law to tell me what I should do. I will wear this crown and now I will be king of Katolis.

Opeli: Don't you even think about it. That doesn't mean that you are above the law.

Kuala: Oh please. Save me all of the trouble. This doesn't mean that you have the right to tell me what to do.

Before he had anytime to put the  crown right on his head, you came barging into the room.

Y/n: Stop that man!

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