CHAPTER 42~Keeping Secrets

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  Lilly walked over to him slowly. She sat gently on the bed space next to him. Tears rolled down her cheeks. A doctor pushed a syringe of clear liquid into his forearm and emptied its contents. He pulled the syringe out and cleaned off the spot where the syringe had exited. Tyler began to stir. We all watched with bated breath. His eyes slowly opened. Lilly says something, but its so soft I can't understand her.

"Lilly? Happy birthday. Did I miss anything?" he says so quietly only Lilly can really understand anything. I can't tell because his voice was horser then a person who ate a bail of hays voice would be. Lilly is looking at him and I lean to get a look at her face. Tears are running down her cheeks like a waterfall down a gentle slope.

"My birthday was 5 days ago Tyler. You passed out." she whispers back. This time, I can tell what she says.

"Why didn't you tell us it was your birthday? Faith could have made you something, I could buy you something, Coral could have arranged a party, and Emma could have found beautiful scented flowers for you!" I exclaim. Everyone looks at me angrily. I shrink down and they go back to looking at Tyler and Lilly. They lean in to kiss. I look away, I've seen it once and I don't want to see it again. Then the machine starts to beep rhythmically and the doctor pushes everyone out, including Lilly.She looks at me.

"Your right, I can't tell him yet." she says. Then she runs off and I can't keep up. Soon Coral grabs my arm and shakes her head.

"Let her go, she needs to burn off some steam." I know Coral's right, but I still turn to see if I could catch up, but she's out of sight. I sigh, I don't blame her, but I'm also worried for her.

"I hope nothing happens to her." Coral says as if she was reading my mind. I nod. Then Kadek runs into us, or more like he runs into Coral.

"Saya baru ingat sesuatu! Aku tahu di mana kita bisa mendapatkan makanan yang ditinggalkan oleh tetua desaku dalam keadaan darurat! Kami tidak perlu khawatir lagi! Dikabarkan bisa memberi makan seluruh desa saya selama setahun! Ayo, kesini! Saya pikir ada jeruk dan pisang juga! "

Again he doesn't look impressed.

"We need to get that fixed, or you need to stop talking so fast." Coral scolds him. Then it starts working again.

"I just remembered something! I know where we can get food left by my village elders in an emergency! We do not have to worry anymore! It's enough to feed my whole village for a year! Come here! I think there are oranges and bananas too!" his voice calls out. He crosses his arms. Then he speaks slowly.

"We, need, to, get, that, fixed."He says. Coral and I chuckle. We take him to the mechanic and they tighten a loose belt and declare it fixed. We walk outside and we instruct him to repeat. He simply hits a button and his voice comes out clean and clear.

"I just remembered something! I know where we can get food left by my village elders in an emergency! We do not have to worry anymore! It could feed my whole village for a year! Come here! I think there are oranges and bananas too!" it says. Coral and I gasped excitedly.

"WHERE?" we both asked at the same time.

"It's in the town hall, there is a catch though, I don't know which room it's in." he admits sheepishly. We groan. This sure will be fun.

"Well, we might as well get a good head start." Coral says and we go to the old village.

When we get there, we see lots of what once must have been grand buildings, but he leads us to the center of the village. There is a sturdy building made of thick stone with a heavy oak door. He easily opens it and wanders into the darkness. Now I see the catch. He doesn't know what room it's in. It's a huge building, and there are no lights or windows.

"Akari, come on! We need to find it! Hurry up and get in here." Coral calls. I didn't even see her go in there. I step into the shadows. My eyes are already slowly adjusting to the darkness. I can see the outline of desks and chairs. I can see the shapes of Coral and Kadek searching the room, and I can also see a doorway. Beyond the doorway there is only darkness.

"Lets go get a flashlight or something," I suggest. My voice echoes in the vast expanse. I get the chills, and I feel a wave of fear wash over me. I step back into the light.

"Good idea, but if we do that it will be night by the time we get back and the tide will come up the beach. We would have to either sleep here for the night or go through the jungle. We would get lost." Kadek calls out. I gulp.

"Could we come back tomorrow?" I ask. Coral snickers.

"What, scared of the dark Kari?" Coral asks innocently. I gulp again.

"Not really, but I don't want to sleep in a graveyard." I snap. I here sniveling, and realize my mistake. Kadek lived here, his family lived here, his friends were here, and now they're all gone.

"I'm so sorry Kadek, I didn't, I meant, I, I'm sorry," I studer. He sniffles and tried to take deep breaths. His breathing is shaky. I feel so horrible.

"It's O.K., I know you meant no offense, it just came out that way." he says. I don't blame him for being cross with me, I probably would be if I was in his situation too. I know it's hard to get over, but he has to try. We can't afford this. He knows it, I know it, we all know it. He just needs to act on it. A thought suddenly crosses my mind.

"Kadek, if you knew that we were going here, and you knew what time it was, why didn't you tell us to grab a flashlight or grab a flashlight yourself?" I ask. His body shrivels a bit.

"Kadek, what are you not telling us?" Demanded Coral.

"There is one more catch. I've never been here before." Kadek says bleakley. Then continues "I honestly thought that there were windows,  I also thought the camp was closer, so"

"Quiet!" Coral snapped in a hushed voice.

"Hey, I said I was sorry, the least you could do is"

"Shut it!" Coral hissed. Her tone scared me. I put my hand over Kadeks mouth.

"Guys, there's something in there." she says.

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