"I Belong To You!"

Start from the beginning

Third person's pov

Diana got in the arena with Ellie to find everyone there already waiting for them.

Daniel was talking with Thomas and some fighters and once he noticed them he turned to her direction but opened his eyes widely from her clothes.

She was wearing black sport leggings and as for the top she had chosen a dark blue sport bra and her hair was up on a high tail. The bra was too revealing for him and the leggings too narrow and he was about to growl but he closed his eyes, shook his head and took a deep breath doing his best to stay calm and act casually.

He didn't want to ruin everything because of his jealousness. They all knew that Diana was his after all so he had to act wisely and don't frustrated her more.

He opened his eyes one second later and Thomas tapped his back with a meaningful smirk like he was reading his thoughts. Diana was too close to them with Ellie and the fighters couldn't hide their enthusiasm. They all loved her very much, she was their previous commander, their friend and now their Queen. It was an honor to have her and Daniel there with them, they were feeling more confident than the usual!

"Hello everyone!" Ellie yelled in her usual crazy way and they all laughed walking to Diana.

"Your Royal Highness!" they all said in union and got ready to bow.

Diana took a disappointed expression but said nothing. Daniel that had his eyes on her distinguished her 'bitterness' and felt hurt.

He knew she wasn't used to these things and he was aware of asking too much. He had already made clear that she was his Queen, his mate and now he had to relax. Also, he was generally not demanding, he had asked from the fighters to call him by his name and the servants too close to him were his family. They were bowing to him only in special yet formal occasions.

"Guys..." he began and the murmurs stopped while he took his place next to Diana and placed his hand at her bare back sending chills to every part of her body.

"There is no place for these formalities. For you we are just Diana and Daniel. We are cooperatives and friends." He continued and Diana blinked her eyes surprised but smiled thankfully at him in the end.

"Right..." Thomas murmured wickedly and Ellie chuckled.

"So..." Daniel began again.

"As you know Hunter had to leave for some days and this is why Diana and I will take his place for as long as he is going to be away. I will try to attend every training but if I don't make it Diana will be here to supervise and help you like before. Feel free to bother us for any problem you have at any time. Right?" he said turning to Diana that was staring at him speechless and she nodded immediately.

"And now that we agreed..." he continued and kissed Diana's cheek.

"I think it's time to get started!"

~about one hour later~

Diana was observing Daniel showing some moves to some of the fighters while the rest were fighting each other in groups.

She was impressed from his abilities and the way he was advising and helping everyone in need. She had to admit he was a great trainer, he was strong, calm, confident yet patient despite what she was believing until now.

And he was the best fighter she had seen, just like Victoria had told her. No one could compare to him and she was shocked.

Daniel was getting higher in her eyes, suddenly he wasn't useless as she had been calling him.

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