She grabbed the second sheet he had given her and quickly wrote the binding sutra once again. This time Minato knew what was coming and offered his hand to her, "How about not using my forehead this time?"

"Fine, I got that habit from my grandpa. He'd do that to practically anyone." She placed the sutra onto his hand and with a flare of her Ki activated the sutra. Kagome smirked as Minato flared his chakra to break the sutra only to fail this time, "It's a lot stronger this time because my blood was mixed in with the ink. It will take quite a lot of power to break this one." What she wasn't going to tell him was it would take someone with more power than her own. Basically, that meant people on par with Sesshomaru and Naraku. She reached out and ripped off the sutra allowing him to move once again.

When Minato only looked at her with a face full of shock, she rolled her eyes, "Try adding your blood to the Fuinjutsu seals. Maybe your recipe is just looking for a specific DNA signature, aka you."

Minato's eyes lit up in excitement and scooped her up into a big hug, "Kagome you are an absolute genius! How had I not thought about that?" blood was normally only used for summoning jutsu, but for something like this it would be perfect. He set Kagome down and plopped onto the ground to write a new Fuinjutsu seal, this one mixed with his blood.

He waited a few minutes for it to dry before wrapping it around a new kunai and sealing it on. He threw it to a faraway tree and took a deep breath. He had been working almost half a year on this. If this was really all it took, he was going to be slightly annoyed. Honestly, how did he not think about this before? This was almost like a type of summoning; he was summoning himself. With a steadying breath, he activated his jutsu and for the first time ever it was successful. He stopped right before running into the tree. A huge grin split his face and he jumped up in excitement, "It finally worked!"

Kagome laughed happily, "Congrats."

With a happy sigh, Minato plopped onto the ground, "So, are you going to watch me train all day? Or, are you going to do some training of your own?"

A frown pulled at her lips, "I've been meaning to talk to you about this Minato. I am beyond serious when I say I want to become a kunoichi. I appreciate that you are helping me get better physically, but I can work on most of that by myself. If I am going to be a kunoichi I need to be able to use my chakra, do jutsu's, that stuff. When are you going to teach me how to use my chakra?" he had taught her how to fight, quite efficiently at this point. They had even moved onto weapons like kunai, senbon, and shuriken. She was doing her best to convince him she wanted to start training with a tanto as well. Sesshomaru had trained her a bit on how to use a sword, but a full sword would be a bit too long for her right now. Using and manipulating her chakra was what she had been looking forward to since she had left the hospital though. That was three months of her being extremely patient. Her chakra pool grew every day and she was itching to see what she could do with it.

Minato paused; it wasn't like he didn't want her to go through with being a kunoichi. He just wanted her to be safe. She had lost so much in such a short time, he just wanted her to have as normal a life as she possibly could from this point onward. In the back of his mind, he had been hoping that she would just choose to be a civilian, it was safer. He was okay with teaching her how to fight, that was basic self-defense. She did still possibly have a crazy kunoichi after her. She also had to protect that damned jewel that hung around her neck for the rest of her life, which he thought was beyond unfair. Wasn't the burden of the jewel enough for her? Why did she want to become a kunoichi so badly? Before he brought her here, she had never even heard of them. So why? He looked over at her and saw the burning determination in her eyes, she wasn't going to be giving the idea up. For some reason, this was extremely important to her.

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