Chapters 27- Begin Again

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I carelessly pick at my breakfast since this morning I feeling tired from staying up to late from talking to Anthony on the phone all night.I glance at the clock noticing that Anthony will be here any minute. I quickly ate out my food and went into my room to get my bag and phone.

I heard a beeping outside and I rolled my eyes playfully. Anthony is always impatient but what can I say.

"Bye mom and dad"I said kissing them both on the forehead.

"Wait , Jasmine"my mom says wiping her hands in a towel.

"Yes"I said eagerly.

"I want you to invite Anthony over for dinner one day"she says giving me a big smile in which I returned by laughing.

"But you guys already met him"I said in an obvious tone.I wrapped a scarf around my neck and  then put on my coat.

"Yea but it's been a week since you guys were dating"my mom whined.Yes, she was right , it has been a week since Anthony and I started dating which flew by so fast.

"But mom, it's not a big deal"I said.

"Jasmine , just do what your mother tells you"my dad says then taking a sip of coffee.

"Okay then, I will invite him over"I said walking out of the house.I walked quickly to Anthony's car and hopped into it.

"Good Morning , beautiful " Anthony says then leaning towards me and quickly gave me a kiss on the lips and catching me off guard. Everytime we kiss , it sends butterflies roaming through my stomach and I can't maintain my smile every time we kiss.

"What's with the goofy smile " Anthony asks pulling out of my driveway.

"Certainly not because of you "I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh really and why is that"he asks chuckling.

"Because I don't like you "I said teasingly.

"And you think I care " Anthony says smirking.

"Well, obviously you do"I said looking out the window.

"I know"he says sheepishly which made me blush.


Anthony and I walked to school slowly since our first period class starts in 20 minutes.

"Why do we have to be here so early? I am tired"I groaned.

"Just go to sleep more early " Anthony says smirking.

"You are the one who kept me up all night on the phone "I playfully glared at him.

"You could've just told me bye " Anthony says .

"But I didin't want to "I said smiling.

"So stop complaining " Anthony says grinning. I slapped his chest for him always being right.

"What was that for"he said holding his chest like it hurted.

"You're an idiot"I mummered stopping at my locker and opening it.Anthony leaned his back on to the locker right next to mine.I took out my binder from the locker with a few few pens and put it in my bag.

I closed my locker and started to walk again with Anthony to his locker.It was our usual routine since we started dating.As I waited for him to get his books, I scrolled through my phone.

"I think I am going to just hang out with Nicole and Jenna today"I said.I felt like I haven't hanged out with them in like forever. All three of us were now busy with boyfriends and we needed to find time for eachother.We needed to catch up on alot of stuff.

The Complication of BoysOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz