Chapter 31- Promise Me

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I walk into school with a confident smile on my face even though it's Monday. This morning has been great so far.I am suprised that I am actually early since I couldn't sleep that much.I walk at a fast pace since I made the mistake of drinking 3 cups of coffee. Anthony tries to keep up with my pace as I walk to my locker.

"What is up with you walking too fast you cheetah"he says grabbing a hold of my hand.

"What is up with you walking too slow you turtle"I said with a smirk.He gives me a devious smile and I just rolled my eyes.

I walked to my locker and punched in the code.I pulled out my book for the first few periods of my class.I dropped one of my books as I feel Anthony's arms wraps around my waist.

"You are too cute when you are scared"he says whipping me around and staring into my eyes.

"Just kiss me you idiot"I said since I already know that is what he wants to do.He didn't take one second to just think about it .He crashed his lips on to mine and we moved in sync.I run my hand through his hair as he pulls me closer to him by the waist. The kiss tasted like mint and it was amorous. Just 5 months ago , I never thought of going out with this fool again.

"Okay, we are not going to have an intense make out session in the middle of the hallway"I said turning back around to get my books.

"Do you want to"he asks whispering into my ear and it makes me slap him with a book for making me turn red.

"Maybe at my house"I said leaning closer for our lips to be a centimeter apart. Now, it was his turn to feel speechless.I could see by how red he was getting. He looks down at me with a foolish grin and leans down to kiss me as I responded back  by giving him a quick kiss.

Before he can reply with another stupid comment , I see Natalie walking to my locker with a small smile on her face.

"What's up, Natalie"I said closing my locker and  smiling back at her.

"I was wondering if you are going to volleyball practice , today"she says shifting her eyes from me to Anthony then back to me.Ugh, I totally forgot about practice but it wasn't like I was going to go due to my mom.I felt like I haven't been to volleyball in forever and we are going to have a game soon.

"No, I have to go somewhere"I said shrugging my shoulders

"Is everything okay"she asks looking at my face.

"My mom is in the hospital"I mummered but it was loud enough for her to hear me.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry"she says pulling me into a tight hug and I hugged her back.

"She is okay, though"I said with a small smile.

"Do you want me to tell coach about it"she asks pulling away.

"No, just tell him I have to go somewhere else"I said.

"Okay, see you later"she says and I nod my head.

I looked back to Anthony as he looks back down at me with a foolish smile still.

"Is it weird for you to be around Natalie"I asked since they dated for a short period of time.

"No, not at all and besides I got you"he says pulling me closer to him.I slap him on his chest and rolled my eyes.

"Come on, you need to get to your locker before the bell rings"I said and he just holds my hand as we walk to his locker.

I leaned on the locker next to his as the crew starts to make their way towards us.Nicole hand in hand with Brandon and Jenna walking behind them on her phone.James is walking with Daniel talking about some problem.

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