Chapter 3-Yes, No, Maybe So

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"I guess we can all go in one car"Brandon says.

"I might not even get to go. what do I even tell my mom?"I said nervously

"Tell her your sleeping over at my house"Nicole says

"When is the party"Brandon Says

"Friday" Jenna says

the bell rang and we all went our separate way

Someone grabs me by the handand pulls me to the corner.I look up and it was only Brandon .

"I have something to tell you"He says

I raise an eyebrow.

"I am in love with Nicole"He says.

I stood there not knowing what to say.Why didn't he tell her? Why now, when she has a boyfriend? Why did he tell me?

"Does anybody else know?"I ask.

He nods no

"You better not ruin James and Nicole's relationship.I know it's going to hurt you but try"

"I am not promising"he says


When I got home I bumped into my older sister "Chantal"who was in a rush . I guess I wouldn't tell her about the party since she might blackmale me.

I called my mom to ask her to sleep over at Nicole's house.I was really going to sleep over though since we are going to a party and might get home at 3am so yea.Nicole's parents goes on business trips so she is mostly home alone along with her older brother .

"Sure, but only if you do your chores Thurusday and help your little sister with her project.Also, come home on sunday at 12.That means I am giving you privillage to stay for 2 days and don't make me regret it"my mom says.

"Okay mother. I love you bye." I said

we both hang up

It was wednesday so I already knew what I was going to do.

Who is even driving to this party and who is going to be responsible to drive us back?All of us drink but only Brandon and I drive .I quickly went on oovoo and videocall them in a group.

Fortuanately , they all answered and James was with Nicole.I looked at Brandon and he looked jealous.Jenna as usual was at her cheerleading practice but still answered.

"So what is this little meeting about "Jenna says with cheering in the background.

"Umm who is actually going to drive us home and drive us back home and be responsible"I said trying not to sound like a goody too shoes.

"I could tell Lucas to drive us" Nicole says.Lucas was Nicole's older brother.

"Thats a great idea.I got to go now, see you tomorrow"Jenna says.

**We all hang up**

I decided to go help my little sister with her project.

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