Chapter 20- Confessions about Feelings

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I rested my head on the bacl of the seat letting the wind blow from the window.Dallas was driving at a fast rate.I have no idea where he is taking me but I don't care.I was looking out the window.The blue sky was was still there, bare trees with no leaves and the sun beaming a little.It's December so it was still cold.The winter formal is going to be tomorrow and then there is break which I am so happy for.I kept looking at Dallas , who was so focused on the rode but he had a big smile on his face.

Twenty minutes later we came to stop at this vacant parking lot.Dallas got out of the car and came around to open mine.I stepped out of his and looked around.Before I can say anything to him he starts to walk away.I followed him and we went through the woods.Please don't tell me he is planning on burrying me alive here.

I looked around and there was only trees until Dallas stopped.I went in front of him to see what he was staring at.I was taken back from thee view.

"Woah"I said looking at a big lake with trees surrounded by it.Also, the sum is making the lake have that sparkle. The wind blew fast and it was a but more colder.But it was like I was staring at a painting.

"Yea, this is sort of my thinking place and when I just want time for peace"Dallas says.

"I love how windy it is"I said even though it's unusual.

"Thought you might like this place"Dallasa says.

"I love it"I said reaching for a hug and he returned it.

"So what do you want to do"Dallas says.I gave him a confused look.What can we do? It's not like we can go swimming in this cold weather.

"I have no idea"I said simply.

"Well we can.."Dallas says walking away and left me alone.He returned back with a picnic basket and a blanket.I just smiled at his idea and decided to spread the blanket out so we cat sit on it.

We started to have our little picnic of  grapes,sandwiches,crackers and chees.To finish it all up with brownies.

"This is what I need.Thank you, Dallas"I said with a genuine. He helped me forget about Daniel.

"No problem but now let's talk"he said.

"Sure"I said taking one last bite of my brownie.I took deep breath and letting it out.

"I like you"Dallas says with a serious face.

"Okay"I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Okay? That's it"Dallas says.

"Fine okay, I still like you , but you hurt me"I said getting a but fiesty.

"I was only telling Vanessa that so she doesn't bother me or worry"Dallas says.

"Who the hell is Vanessa"I asked raising my left eyebrow.

"Ugh forget it, all I am trying to say is yes I know doing the bet was wrong but throughout the bet I started to like you, alot.I was going to tell you"Dallas says.

"When"I asked crossing my arms.

"I don't know"Dallas says breakjng the eye contact.I rolled my eyes at his response.

"I just want to say sorry and I want us to be us again"Dallas says making me smile a bit.I want led to agreed with him but I know it was wrong for my feelings.I am bad at being around or dating boys I like.

"I don't know. Are you going to continue the bet"I asked.

"Yes, I need the money too, Jasmine"Dallas says.I was ready to just run off but I have no idea where I am.How is he going to continue this stupid bet?

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