"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"I told my mom about my dad after my birthday and I haven't seen her sober since. I feel like I broke her... and my dad is still in the house. He ignores us though and last night he actually pulled into the driveway with that woman in the car. My mom stared out the window for like thirty minutes after they left. He doesn't even care about the publicity aspect of all of this. I don't know what I'm supposed to do." He admitted as he threw the last rock before taking a seat on the blanket. I scooted between his legs and leaned back against his chest.

"How am I supposed to talk to my dad? I always knew he was kinda shitty but to see him blatantly disrespect my moms like this . . ." He trailed off.

"It's not your responsibility to figure this out. Your parents have to work through it." I told him.

"Theoretically I know that, but I'm the one who put the spotlight on all of this. Whatever happens, it's my fault." He stated. I turned, now straddling him and grabbed his face in both of my hands.

"None of this is your fault. You don't have to carry this burden."

He pulled one of my hands away from his face and kissed it. "You're one of the few good things in my life right now Sydney." He said playing with a strand of my hair.

"There's still plenty of good in your life Daniel. You just have to be willing to embrace it all still." He dropped my hair and diverted his eyes to the ground. I lifted his head, forcing him to look at me.

"Don't box everyone and everything out. You cannot let this negativity consume you. It will drag you into a dark place and it's really hard to come out of it. Just maintain your faith. God doesn't put any obstacles in front of us that we aren't strong enough to overcome."

A smile tugged at his lips as he pulled me close, kissing me gently. "You're amazing." He stated before kissing me again. I melted to his touch. He was so gentle with me, and his slow movements drove me crazy. I reached down between us to pull at his belt. He grabbed my hand.

"We don't have to." He stated. I pulled my hand from his grip and unbuckled his belt. He laid me on my back,

"Are you sore at all? I don't want to hurt you." He checked as he played with the button on my jeans. "I'm fine Daniel. I want to." I told him as I kicked my pants off. He smiled as I pulled him back to me.


"Can Sicily and I go to this neighborhood fair this weekend?" I asked at dinner a few nights later. Sicily cut her eyes at me but didn't say anything.

"Whose neighborhood?" My father asked.

"I don't know who all lives there. A bunch of the juniors are going. We wouldn't be going to anyone's house. They block off one street and set up like games, and food trucks. It's also during the day from like noon to 5. All the proceeds are used to buy gifts for the kids whose families can't afford to." I explained.

"It sounds okay. I guess you all can go but I will be dropping you off." My father decided.

"Thanks daddy." I smiled.

"Where are we going this weekend?" Sicily asked in the bathroom after dinner.

"Neighborhood fair, believe it or not I did not lie to daddy." I said as I washed my face.

"Sounds like fun. We haven't hung in a while." She mentioned.

"You've missed me?" I teased.

"Not really." She laughed. We smiled knowingly at each other through the mirror and went our separate ways.

Sydney King {COMPLETED}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant