Chapter 30

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Dereck's Pov:

We pulled into our drive way and two men in suits were just turning away from the front door. I grabbed my bag and got out as they made their way to us.

"Can I help you gentlemen?" I asked shooting Vin a look to see if he knew who they were. He shrugged but looked back and crossed his arms.

"Who are you and what do you want?" He asked because they still hadn't answered.

"Are either of you Vincent James Ford?" one asked. At Vin's nod he spoke again. "I'm detective Monacan and that is detective Stanley. Could we step inside a moment."

"What's this about?" I asked.

"Sir it would really better if we discussed this inside." He said in a kind tone that made the hairs on the back of my neck raise up. Obviously we're not in trouble or they wouldn't be nice. Then it can only mean...

I clasped hands with Vin and we led the two detectives inside and to the living room. Vin's body was tense and even when we sat he was rigid and the hold on my hand was fierce.

They gave us sympathetic looks. "We're sorry to to have to inform you that your mother was found... Dead this afternoon. We're sorry for your loss."

"How?" Vin asked quietly.

"If you're up to it we'd like to ask you some questions."

"I'm not answering a f*cking thing until you tell me how, when I can see my mother and if you caught the bastard that did this." Vin yelled. I wrapped my arms around him but he shrugged me off and glared at the detectives.

"We'll answer you're questions of course but can't you please give us a little information. We just got back in last night and please we need to know what happened." I begged

Detective Stanley gave a little nod and Detective Monacan spoke. "It appears to be a break in and your mother caught the robber in the act. She was killed by blunt force trauma. You can't see her until the coroner releases her body to the funeral home but I would advise against it. The victim was beaten severely and she wasn't found for several days. You're sister provided a DNA sample for comparison. She is at the hospital now being treated for shock if you'd like to talk to her."

Vin sat frozen you couldn't even tell if he was breathing. I felt like crying, she was really just beginning to live her life happily and just reconnected with Sams and Vin.

Oh god. Poor Veronica. I cleared the lump from my throat and tried to be strong for Vin.

"Sir, I can answer any questions you have."

He looked at Vin then back to me and nodded.

"When was the last time either of you saw Veronica?"

"December 23rd we had Christmas here because Vin and I were going to my cabin in Colorado. We just got in last night but we talked to her a few times while we were away. The last time was the morning before new years eve."

"Did she sound worried or stressed about anything?"

I ran my hand over my face and thought for a second. "No sir, she's been really happy the last month or so. She left her husband and got a new condo. She was in Europe before the holidays. She was supposed to have gone back already. Is that where she is?"

"No she was found at her apartment. Do you know the circumstances of her split with her husband? Was it amicable?"

Vin spoke for the first time. "No it wasn't amicable. She left him after years of abuse. It wasn't a random robbery. That apartment is armed to the teeth with security."

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