Chapter 10

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Vincent's Pov:

Time passed by quickly and it's already been a month since Ariel found out. I can honestly say it's been the best month of my life. The funny thing about that is, the only difference from every other day of my life was that now Dare was my boyfriend instead of just best friend.

The only major thing that changed is kissing. Lots and lots of kissing. That and I seem to walk around hard a lot more then I used to. It's like the damn thing has a mind of it's own, and all it can think about is Dare.

I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want to go public. I'm not naive enough to think that everyone will accept and be happy for us. But I whole heartedly agree with what Ariel said. If they hate on us because who we love then we don't need them in our lives.

I hate watching the chicks at school flirt with my Dare. Granted he politely tells them that he's in a serious relationship but it still aggravates me a little. It even annoys me when they hit on me.

For the most part I've been ignoring it or telling them I'm taken. I even told one or two that I was secretly married. It bugs me that they pull their shirts down or skirts up and blatantly try and pick me up in front of Dereck and vise versa.

If they knew he was with me that would put a stop to that shit.

Plus I can see it pisses him off too. His jaw tightens and his eyes narrow and he shoots death rays at them.

I understand that he wants to make sure about us before we 'ring a bell that can't be unrung' but it still stings a bit that he thinks about us being over when we've only just begun.

In all honesty I could see us getting married someday, on a beach in Mexico or something. Maybe even adopting a kid or two. That's what trips me out. I'm not even 18 yet, but I'm already thinking forever and always, white picket fence with matching SUV's, 2.3 kids and a golden retriever.

The whole shebang and I want it all with the boy I've considered my best friend my whole life.

Think of the devil and he appears. Dare slid his arms around me from behind and kissed between my shoulder blades.

"Hey you" He purred against my back.

"I figured you'd still be asleep. I was just about to make breakfast. If you wanna go shower it'll be done when you get out." I said kissing his head that was resting on my shoulder.

"You got it boss." He pinched my butt and ran before I could retaliate.

I had a meeting with an attorney today so I wouldn't be going to school until probably fourth period. I haven't told Dare exactly what I was doing, just that it was a family thing. Don't want to bore him with my family drama.

Come to think of it, I should probably talk to him about everything. Normally I would have but this all stems from the last blow out I had with Veronica and Peter formerly know as mother and father. Which happened the morning of his parents death.

I hadn't purposely not told him. But honestly it's so unimportant I never even thought about it. If it hadn't been for Sammy texting me to remind me about the meeting I wouldn't have gone.

We ate breakfast and I dropped Dare off at school before driving the hour trip to the family's lawyer's office. I pulled up and rolled my eyes. Of course they would have an attorney that had a hideously ostentatious office.

I walked to the secretary and gave her my name. Within minutes an overweight slightly bald man in a suit that was no doubt Versace walked out and greeted me.

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