Chapter 6

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Dereck's Pov:

The first week of school was.... Crazy. We literally found every hidden nook and cranny in school. We snuck kisses in empty halls and janitors closets. We held hands under the tables.

Vin was worried that we'd lose the way we were. We haven't. We still joke and horseplay in the halls and throw paper balls and spit wads at each other. Only now the paper balls have little messages.

The thrill of the getting caught was really fun but I'm starting to want to be open about us. I just want to make sure we're totally in this. 110 % so when the drama starts it won't cause problems with the two of us.

I know Vin wanted to tell the whole school the day it happened but I just want some time for just us. Settle into us as a couple first. I'm not deluding myself with thinking it'll be smooth sailing once we come out. There will always be bigots that will think of us differently because we prefer poles to holes. I just really hope we don't lose our friends. It would hurt worse if our friends turned away then random whoevers hating.

Vin think's I'm worried about guys picking fights with me but I'm not. I think people have more common sense then that but if they do try and bully the homo, I hope I'll be the bigger person and walk away. It wouldn't be very nice to put someone in the hospital because they're ignorant and intolerant of people that are different.

What worried me is even though I know Vin can handle himself just as well as I can, heads will roll if someone tried that homophobic crap with him. I may be able to turn the other cheek in regards to myself but I wont with him. A sure fire way to find a very pissed off, very violent man is to f*ck with my Vin. Always has been, it's just worse now.

The bell rang dismissing us to our next class and we headed out. Vin slung his arm over my shoulder and I had to fight back the blush. Every time we touch now I feel that spark. The heat washes through my body and I struggle to keep my reactions 'friendly' in public. That's the down side of hiding the new turn our relationship took. It's getting old fast.

"I wanna see that spazzy happy dance you mentioned the other day." Vin said as he grabbed his work out uniform from his gym locker.

"Dude I'm in my boxers in a locker room full of jocks. So not gonna happen." I replied.

He shrugged. "Do it in your boxers, hell do it naked for all I care... Scratch that. I definitely care. Do it naked" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Then squatted down to tie his shoes.

"While you're down there" I trailed off and wiggled my eyebrows like he had moments ago. He grinned his up to no good grin and leaned forward and kissed me through my jersey shorts. I yelped and sprang back.

Tripping on the bench and landing flat on my back. Ouch

"Ughh that was hard" I whined as I tried lifting myself off the concrete ground.

Vin helped me up. "That's what she said" He quipped.

I punched his arm. "Not funny Jerk"

I let go of him and my ankle screamed in pain. I grit my teeth and tried leveling out my weight. Vin wrapped his arm around my waist and took the pressure off my hurt ankle.

I rolled my eyes. "I swear you look for any excuse to touch me." I jokingly accussed.

"You know it babe" He said as he towed me out into the gym.

"Since when are you so clumsy?" He asked leading me to the rafters.

"Oh I don't know.. Since you openly molested me in front of half the school's jock population" I quipped back. He set me down and propped my leg up.

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