Chapter 13

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A/N WARNING SOME SEXUAL CONTENT In this chapter so if boy on boy lovin offends you stop reading now and exit out of this chapter. For everyone else: Thanks for reading and enjoy.

Vincent's Pov:

Whew today was a long day. From lunch on I spent the entire time focused on the other people around us. After the girls pulled that stunt I was worried someone might try and start crap with us. Heaven help any fool dumb enough to try that.

They'd get a good beat down and think twice before even looking our way again. Especially anyone that laid a hand on Dereck. I know he can hold his own in a fight but that's not gonna stop me from bringing on the pain to who ever lays a finger on him.

I walked into our room and Dare was totally focused on his laptop. He had his brows knitted together in that cute little frown he gets when he's concentrating. I strutted to his dresser and looked over my shoulder.

He still hadn't noticed me. That is unacceptable. I like the way he looks at me when I come out of the shower in just a towel. His eyes widen and pupils dilate. He bites his lip and blushes.

Hot! So totally hot!

I walked over and waited a second to see if he'd finally acknowledge me. He did and it was just as I knew he'd react.

He smiled and traced the lines of my abs. I leaned down and kissed him. He pulled me down and the laptop fell to the floor.

I cracked an eye open not wanting to leave his lips just yet and reached down to pick it up. Something caught my eye.

I pulled away from the kiss and stared at the screen for a full ten seconds before laughing so hard my ribs hurt.

Gah I love this dork.

I looked at him and he had his arms crossed and was pouting so prettily that I sobered instantly and moved back to his lips.

He shook his head no. "That wasn't that funny." He said in a pouty voice.

I nodded like I agreed and ran my hand across his cheek.

"It was though babe. I mean who google's 'how to be gay?' Why would you even be looking that up? I thought we were doing a damn fine job of gaying our way through things." I teased.

"Whatever. I was just wondering what the rules were about you know, who tops and bottoms and stuff like that. There was one site that had some really interesting tips on giving oral and this hand twisting technique to add spice to a regular hand-"

I covered his mouth with my lips to shut his nervous rant up. "Stop worrying." I said against his neck.

He grabbed me by my hips and pulled me astride him. "I just don't want our first time together to be bad"

"We'll work it all out. If the first time's bad, we'll just keep trying. Ya know what they say. Practice makes perfect." I whispered in his ear before taking the lobe and biting it gently.

He moaned and shifted closer. I licked down his neck to his sweet spot and nibbled on his collar bone. He bucked his hips against me and I felt my towel fall loose.

He didn't seem to mind. In fact he seemed to enjoy it. He ran his hand up my thigh and glided his fingers across my beans and wienie. I purred and followed his example. His boxers were in the way so I slid my hand inside and slowly worked him.

He matched the movement of his hand to mine.

I couldn't sit still. The feel of us doing this to each other was incredible. The only thing that would make this better was him as naked as me.

I scooted back and lifted up so I had enough room to work his boxers off.

He pulled me back down and slammed his lips to mine. I pulled myself as close as I could and grabbed the both of us. He felt so hot against me. I used both of my hands to cup us together. We'd never gone this far before and I wanted to draw it out.

I'd slow down when it felt like we we're close to the edge.

He pulled back panting and sucked on my chest. I tilted my head back and moaned. He growled and flipped us so he was hovering over me and damn me that only turned me on more.

He pinned my hands above me and kissed his way down my neck, over my stomach and lower still.

I panicked. If he does what I think he is, this'll be over like now. I was so hard it hurt and could probably finish with just a few pulls. I hooked my legs around his chest and used my weight to flip us back over.

I sat on his chest panting.

"What? Was it bad?" He sounded so nervous.

I let out a shaky laugh. "You keep that up and I'll finish too fast." I admitted

He smiled that Cheshire cat smile that I loved and flicked his tongue out. I watched totally amazement as he took my head in his lips and nibbled. My hips bucked without my permission.

All I wanted was to slam into the back of his throat. But I wouldnt.

I slid back and leaned down to kiss him. "No rush" I groaned as our naughty bits slid against each other.

"Want to" He panted.

That was good enough for me. I slid my hand between us and started pumping us again. He tilted his head back and groaned my name. I loved that sound. "More" he moaned and who was I to deny him anything.

I slid down and took a second to look at him. Beautiful was the word that came to mind.

I wanted this beautiful man moaning my name. I played with his head and thought of all the things I liked done to me and did those to him. I hummed when I felt him and the back of my throat and him brokenly moaning my name nearly had me coming.

"I... I'm... cum" He tried pushing my head away but I thought it was wimpy when chicks did that. And I'm no wimp so I took him as far as I could and felt him twitch as shot after shot of his jizz slid across the back of my tongue and down my throat.

His hands gripped my hair tight and he panted my name over and over. I pulled back and sat against the headboard with a triumphant smile.

I did that to him. I made my calm and composed Dare a mumbling moron.

My smile widened. I didn't even mind that I hadn't finished. It was worth it to see this new side of the guy I love.

That was definitely going in the spank bank for when I have my next cold shower.

He looked from my eyes to my thighs and licked his lips blushing.

He sat up and smiled. "Next time together." He demanded in a husky voice that raised the hair off my skin it was so sexy.

He crawled between my thighs and without any hesitation took me from tip to root.

He grazed me with his teeth and I couldn't help but buck my hips. He massaged the underside with his tongue and I felt my eyes roll back. I buried one hand in his hair and the other in the blankets.

Fighting to last just a little longer. No way would I blow in a minute. I refused to embarrass myself that way.

He looked up at me and hummed. The battle was lost. "Now" I groaned so he could pull away. He didn't, he kept eye contact while he swallowed me down. The guy had no effin gag reflex!!

My eyes dropped closed and I almost screamed his name. I heard a wet pop when he released me and cracked my eyes enough to see his cocky grin.

"Best ever" I breathed out which only made him smirk.

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