Chapter 9

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Dereck's Pov:

Neither of us said anything and she narrowed her eyes and marched to us. "Well?" She asked impatiently.

"Well what?" I asked as innocently as possible.

She popped us both on the back of the head. "Have you two finally woke up to reality and realized what was right in front of you?"

Vin nodded and wrapped his arm tighter around me. Ariel squealed and clapped her hands. "Finally! See Vinny I told you that day that there wasn't anything to worry about."

"Since when do you two talk about me?" I asked.

"Since she's Sammy's new girlfriend and I was upset and her and Sammy are like ninja assassins and total pros at torturing the truth out of people." He rushed out.

She snorted. "More like his eyeballs almost fell out of his head when he found out that I was dating his sister. Then he turned into a total drama queen and spent like an hour whining about Friday night and you just forgetting about it and how he was totally sprung and-"

Vin covered her mouth with his hand. "Don't believe her. She didn't take her crazy pills today and the voices in her head are talking to her again."

She licked his hand and he yanked it back. "Yeah they're telling me that you need an ass kickin. I'm telling Sammy you said she was fat! Haha She's gonna beat you."

I rolled my eyes at them. "Enough, play nicely children. Sooooo you were freaking out huh? Awe that's so cute." I teased Vin making him blush.

Which I loved because it hardly ever happened.

I turned to Ariel. "I cant believe you're dating Sammy, that's crazy."

She shrugged. "She's sweet and hot. Not so crazy, ya know what is crazy, you two being too clueless to see you've been in love with each other forever. If it hadn't been for me and Sammy you two idiots would probably still be clueless." She declared with her hands on her hips.

"What do you mean you and Sammy? Just because it was your dare that got us to kiss does not mean you got us together." Vin protested

She rolled her eyes. "Well it was my idea that you two morons would figure it out if you kissed. Be thankful I slid that dare in there a couple of weeks ago. Sammy wanted to kidnap y'all and lock y'all in a room naked and make you watch gay porn. Ya know let nature take its course."

My jaw dropped and I silently thanked Ariel for the dare. Sammy would have totally done that and talk about awkward!

Vincent hugged Ariel and whispered something in her ear that made her laugh. He slid his arm back around me and helped me back to the table.

The bell rang and we headed to lunch. Ariel plopped down on my lap and Vin shot her an irritated look.

She patted his head and grinned. " Awe are you jealous I'm in your spot?" She cooed.

He swatted her hand away and huffed. "Don't get any ideas, he's taken."

"You know I want all the details, right? Are y'all gonna make it official? Did you get together that night or sometime in the last two weeks? Are y'all going public? Are y'all gay, bi? Any weird threesomes with the many skanks you two have been through? Who's the pitcher and who's the catcher?" She rushed out excitedly in one breath.

Unfortunately for Vin I'd just taken a drink when she had her outburst. My laugh sprayed Big Red all over Vin. Which made me laugh harder causing Ariel fell off my lap and I laughed even more. Priceless. Gah I loved my life.

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