I loved his Aunt and Uncle. I know they got on his nerves sometimes. Especially Margret but it's hard to stay aggravated with them for long. They're like over sized kids. Saying whatever pops into their head but incredibly sweet and loving people. They're a lot like his mom and dad were.

When we finished eating Margret dragged me into a couple of dances but that was just an excuse to interrogate and threaten me. Several times I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing at her comments.

"So I think I should look into marching in the pride parade. I need to show support for my boys! Ooh we could all go as a family and wear matching rainbow shirts or ooh what about rainbow hot pants? Think you can get him into a pair of those? Haha Probably not as easy as you could get him out of a pair. You two are probably the hottest couple in school. I bet all the hoochie mamas are jealous. Speaking of fast little girls. I may pretend to overlook some key facts, like you two being the biggest male wh*res in the great state of Texas but that doesn't mean I don't know. Since you two have dipped your fishing poles in just about every pond, lake and river from here to Louisiana you damn well better be using rubbers. At least until you two dirty birds can go get tested and make sure y'all ain't got nothing a good scrubbin wont take away. Got it?"

I grinned and nodded my head. "Margy you got us all wrong. We're good boys. Pure as the driven snow! 'Sides we're waiting until we get married to pop each other's boy-boy cherries." I joked.

She thumped my head and snorted.

"Yeah, y'all are damn near saintly! You two can do whatever the hell works for y'alll just keep it safe. Oh and if you break my nephew's heart. I've got plenty of guns and lots of land. Even if they sent the hounds out for ya, they'd never find the body!" She grinned and I laughed.

See how could you not love this crazy ass woman.

"Deal as long as you don't start trying to set him up with every available guy you know. Cause as much as I joke and play around, I'm serious about marrying him one day."

She kissed my cheek. "Good boy, but not too soon... Ahh hell never mind, it's not like anyone's gonna think you knocked each other up and are having a shot gun wedding. But ya better not even think of eloping and telling us bout it later. I wanna help plan it!"

I smirked at her and saluted. "Yes ma'am!"

Dereck's Pov:

Gigi came and sat down beside me. "Soooo you and Vinny huh? Is it serious?" She wagged her brows at me. "Not that I blame you. That boy is H.O.T."

I nodded. "Yep. It's great and scary at the same time. I do love him. Like love, love him. And he seems to love me but I just keep waiting for him to snap out of it. Realize he was just confused or something."

She cocked her head to the side. "You mean because y'all are both boys or because y'all have been friends since utero?"

"Both I think. Plus I'm so happy that I cant help but feel like it's too good to be true. You wouldn't believe how sweet and thoughtful he is. I honestly don't know what I'd do without him."

She smacked me on the arm. "Dude, man up and open your eyes. That boy is just as head over ass in love with you as you are with him. Do you think you're gonna snap out of it? Thinks it's a phase for you?" She demanded.

I shook my head. Nope it was very much the real deal for me.

"Than give Vinny the same credit to know his own mind and heart, as you give yourself. Stop worrying about what ifs. He's not going anywhere. In fact I predict that you two will be getting hitched one day. I wanna be your best man!" She sassed.

I slumped back and smiled when I saw Vin dancing my aunt around. He was just as much family as I was. I rolled my eyes when he dipped her low. Show off.

"Nahhh look at your man keeping her busy so you get a break from her crazy mile a minute blabbering. That boy is a keeper! Too bad he doesn't have an older brother."

I grinned. "There's always Sams." I wiggled my brows and she giggled. "Hmmm tempting... but I'd rather eat a banana then a peach. Plus females are just too high maintenance. Been there, done that and no thank you. I don't want seconds of the estrogen parade!"

My eyes widened "What?!?"

She rolled her eyes. "Sweetie, college is all about experimenting. Now let's show those two how to really cut a rug!" She pulled me up and dragged me to dance just as my uncle put on the Macarena.

"Oh hell no!" I told him.

He just laughed and got on the coffee table to show off his busted ass moves. Ughh I swear my family needs medication. Like truck loads of that shit.

Vin got up on the table with him and they had the cheesiest dance off ever. I pulled out my Iphone4 and recorded it. I'm gonna blackmail his ass later!

Vin hopped down and sauntered to me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer and angled the phone to get us both and planted a kiss to my lips.

"You aren't thinking of blackmailing me are you? Cause it wont work, I don't get embarrassed easily. Plus I still have plenty of hilarious videos of your drunken exploits baby!" He grinned and wrapped his arms around me swaying me to the beat.

"Go to homecoming with me?" He asked in my ear.

"Cant." I sighed when he nibbled on my lobe.

He leaned his head on my shoulder. "Why already gotta hot date?" He teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Hello both of us are playing so we cant exactly sit in the stands and watch the game together."

He rolled his eyes. "Alright smart ass. Let me rephrase. Will you go to the homecoming dance with me after our game next week?" I scrunched up my nose and heaved a big fake sigh.

"Only if you score me a touch down." I flirted.

He grinned. "Babe, every touchdown I get will be for you. But I expect a kiss for each one." He flirted back.

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