He'd said at lunch he was fed up with the looks and whispers and that people needed to man up and just ask already since it was obvious it was all anyone was talking about.

It even eclipsed the gossip about the article.

Vin banged his hand on his desk to catch everyone's attention since the whole class was basically turned staring at us anyway.

"I know we're hot but get over it already." He snapped sarcastically. Rolling his eyes and shaking his head in annoyance.

I shot him a look and whispered "Cool it Vin"

Amanda one of the chicks I use to play around with walked over and sat on my desk top. We only hooked up a few times but I honestly liked her as a person. She was a sweet girl just not the ''one'' for me.

"Is it true there's trouble in paradise? Did you two really get in a knock down drag out fight? I cant believe he actually hit you. I've never even seen y'all really argue. It's so crazy he flipped his script and went all roid rage on you." She whispered so Vin wouldn't hear.

All the possibilities that people could have come up with, this one never crossed my mind.

I looked over to see a pissed off Vin shooting daggers at her. I rolled my eyes and bit back my smile. Silly boy's still jealous.

Hello everyone knows were together you can chill with the death eyes to all the chicks that talk to me. I finally looked away and focused back on what Amanda was saying.

"Don't worry he cant hit you in school. Too many people around to stop him. But it looks like it was a fair fight. Glad you let him have it. Don't let no man push you around. That's not love." She continued her concerned whispered speech.

I couldn't hold it back. I roared with laughter. Between her thinking we beat the crap out of each other and him looking like he wanted to beat the crap out of someone right now. It was just too funny. She looked at me like I lost my mind.

"What the hell Mandy? Why do you think that?" I whispered back.

Her eyes widened. "You haven't seen the fliers yet?" She didn't wait for my answer, she just slid a folded blue paper to me.

I opened it up and didn't know if I should laugh at the ridiculousness of it or be pissed off that someone took the time to make this crap up. I read it for a second time.

Yep gonna lean towards pissed.

There was a big picture of us together by the lockers this morning. Vin had his hands on his eyes and I looked annoyed. I recognized the scene instantly. That was from before school when Ariel was being dumb.

The caption read : Golden gay couple??? More like Domestic Violence Poster Child!

Then in smaller print at the bottom read: This is what happens when you lose your morals and values. The devil takes up part of your soul and destroys your self respect. This kind of thing doesn't happen to god fearing Christians. Pray these sinners don't continue to lead each other to hell!

I held a finger up for her to give me a second. I leaned over to Vin and whispered what was going around.

"WHAT!?!?" He roared.

I shrugged my shoulders and handed him the page.. He stood up from his chair so fast that it fell over and he marched out of the room. Bumping into the teacher when he came in.

"Mr Ford class is about to begin where are you going?" Mr McNeely called but Vin didn't answer.

I rolled my eyes. He's so dramatic. The class looked at me with wide eyes. Oh that's right they've never seen Vin truly pissed off before. Irritated and annoyed but never truly angry like he is now. Yeah I guess he would look a bit scary to someone that didnt know him like I did.

I shrugged. "He's a little upset right now. If you had anything to do with the filers going around.... Well I suggest you kiss your ass goodbye.... There's bound to be hell to pay for that one. Not that I blame him."

About 10 minutes later the school's PA system crackled on. Vin's voice rang through the campus. I held in a laugh.

Total drama wh*re. He's definitely the chick in our relationship.

Sure he's pissed. So am I but come on? A school announcement?

I hmpphed and leaned back and closed my eyes.

Picturing this crazy crap. I chuckled a couple of times at his speech. Then full on laughed when he begain taunting the obviously pissed off principal. Yep there's no stopping a ticked off Vin.

I wished a silent good luck to our principal who was currently arguing with him. He's gonna need it. Everyone knows his views on things and Vin is gonna play on them. Then make him look like an ass.

Pissed off Vin is very cunning and best left alone. However, most people dont know that about him since I usually keep him in check but I wasnt going to waste my breath now because I knew there wouldnt be any calming him down right now. Not with the accusations about him hitting me.

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