Now it's lunch and we're sitting in our usual spots. The same spot we've sat since we got to high school.

But even though he was sitting right next to me, he still hadn't said a single word to me.

I was beyond pissed off, but to make it even worse I was sad now too.

How can he be so cold when I didn't do anything wrong? He's never ignored me.

Everyone noticed we weren't talking to each other and hadn't really said much to anyone else either.

Half way through lunch I finally couldn't take it. I turned to him. "What's your problem? You've been a complete jerk all weekend and today is even worse. I don't know why you're PMSing but seriously put your big girl panties on and grow up." I hissed quietly so only he heard me.

He leaned back like I'd punched him and although his voice was controlled you could see the anger radiating off of him when he spoke.

He clenched his jaw and leaned toward me. "You have a slightly skewed perception of reality if that's what you think. The only jerk around here is you and thank you for seriously ruining my lunch with your crap"

He lifted his tray and started to rise.

"Hey Ariel you have a tampon Vin can borrow? He's suddenly developed a serious case of PMS and I know you girls need that kinda thing when you get that." I hollered across the table letting my annoyance bleed through.

The table erupted with laughs until Vin slammed his tray down next to me.

He yanked me up by the collar and out of reflex my fist shot out and connected with his rib. He managed to semi block it but it did nothing to lessen his temper.

"Dammit Dare for the sake of our friendship you need to shut up!" He bellowed in the suddenly quiet cafeteria.

"You wanna go there? You want to threaten our friendship because you're mad I wont play along with your temper tantrum, after the crap you pulled this weekend?" I yelled back, swatting his hands off my shirt.

He yelled. "You are so full of it! Either that or an idiot. I didn't do anything you were the one who-"

I cut him off, out yelling him. "Who what? Did exactly what you said and then you went and acted like-"

"MmmKay show's over people!" Ariel screamed over us.

She lowered her voice and gestured to the cafeteria full of staring people. "Look I don't know what's going on with you two. But I figure it has something to do with that little dare and how you straight boys get all retarded about stuff like that. So if you want to keep whatever it is that you two are arguing about private I suggest you talk about it without an audience."

She patted both our cheeks hard enough to sting a little. "WORK. IT. OUT. IDIOTS" She whisper yelled at us.

I grabbed Vin's arm and dragged him out of the cafeteria and into the bathroom down the hall. We walked in and a few underclassmen where in there hanging out.

"Hi Sorry to interrupt your little pow wow but can you please leave? My friend and I have to talk and we don't need freshman in here eavesdropping." I asked politely

They didn't even acknowledge what I said.

Vin rolled his eyes at me and used his mean tone to tell them to leave or he'd do it forcefully by shoving them down the toilets. Of course his threat got the desired affect and in seconds the bathroom was clear.

I hung my head and fought the insane urge to cry like a little girl. "What's your problem Vin? If anyone should be pissed or hurt it should be me. I would have blew that whole night off. Never mentioned it again but you came and put the thought of more into my head and then you left and acted like it was nothing."

He rolled his eyes. "No. I told you to think and for you to decide. I told you what I wanted and I said I'd go along with whatever you wanted. We could talk about it or not. That was your decision and when you didn't say anything I did exactly like I said I would. I followed your lead. You want to forget and go back to normal. It's forgotten. For the sake of our friendship I even held back all the things I could have said about whatever cheap tramp you left our home to sleep with last night. It damn near killed me with jealousy but I kept quiet and then you had to go and add insult to injury and make girl jokes about me. Just because I have feelings for you does not make me a girl Dip-shit!" He growled

I was beyond lost. "What the hell are you talking about Vin? Before I even had the chance to tell you I wanted to give us a shot you did a complete 180. You acted like it didn't matter. And what the hell? What girl did I supposedly go bang last night? And since we're hurling accusations around. Where the hell were you all day? I take it you were embracing your heterosexuality? Did you even catch that ones name?" I sneered crossing my arms over my chest.

"I was with Sammy. She wanted my approval on her girlfriend. She's been wanting me to meet her for a while but something always comes up.... So you didn't hook up with anyone?" He asked quietly.

"You're the only person I've had any physical contact with in the last 2 weeks" I said in a duh tone.

He grinned and yanked me into his arms. "Ughh we both are total idiots. We almost screwed this up before we even had a chance to see where it went. Because we were both tip toeing around each other and basically spazzing out. Neither of us wanted to forget but we were both waiting for the other to make a move." He shook his head as his arms wound around my waist.

I grinned back at him. "So we're gonna see where this goes?"

He nodded and his smile got even wider.

"I'm not uh really ready for the pride parade yet. Think we could just take it day by day and wait for the matching his and his coming out parties until we're sure about us?" I held my breath and hoped I didn't ruin the moment.

He nodded and his smile dropped and he seemed kind of nervous. "On one condition. I don't want us to change. I mean yes I want to add more to what us means but I don't want to change everything about us. Ughh I'm not explaining right" He frowned

I rolled my eyes. "I get what you're saying. You want to expand our relationship but you still want to hang and talk like we used to." He nodded and smiled.

"So you'll be my boyfriend?" He asked.

"Yes Vin I'll be your boyfriend." An entirely unmasculine giggle popped out of my mouth. "Wow that sounds so weird"

"Shut up and kiss me" He demanded leaning forward to close the distance between us.

I was only too happy to oblige. The butterflies and liquid heat flared as soon as our lips connected. We kissed like the world was ending and somehow we ended up crashing into a stall. I pushed him against the door and took control of the kiss.

After some time, I couldn't say how long, could be minutes could have been hours, the bell broke through the fog kissing Vin made. We pulled back panting and he chuckled breathlessly when he checked the time.

We booked it to class and spent the rest of the day laughing anytime we looked at each other. Hard to believe the school's top two playboys have just settled down... with each other!

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