I could tell as I hear muffled, yet loud sobbing behind her, though I couldn't see her.

Steven: Look, I just want to reason and see if I can help mend her and Y/N's–
Pink Pearl: No.

Pink Pearl then looked angry again.

Pink Pearl: Spinel told me what happened, and she doesn't want him anywhere near her. Just keep him away from her, we don't need anymore trouble.
Steven: But he didn't–
Pink Pearl: I'm not having it. That will be all. Please Steven, I trust you, but not him. Just go please.

I wanted to say something but nothing could come out. I sighed and nodded in defeat. Pink Pearl muttered a small "thank you" and closed the doors. I began to slowly walk out of the palace in defeat. And in almost no time, I made back outside. I looked back to the palace, but soon got over it.

???: I always knew he was trouble.

I was startled and looked back to see Yellow Diamond with monotone expression.

Yellow Diamond: When we first heard about him on earth with Spinel and you, we were skeptical about him, and just as suspected, we were right.
Steven: What do you mean?
Yellow Diamond: He's a menace, no matter the situation. He was a defect and a destroyer, and he'll remain that way for as long as he lives. Spinel told us what happened, only adding to our case in point.
Steven: He isn't a threat! He didn't mean any of it!
Yellow Diamond: We don't care what it was that caused it, we only care about keeping him in control. We will shatter him if given the chance, so if you really think he is a friend, then keep him out of Homeworld if you know what's good for him!

I didn't dare try to speak, so I only nodded. Yellow just hummed. And began making her way to her palace. I didn't know what to say anymore, so I began walking back to the warp pad.

Steven: 'Well hopefully the others at least found Y/N...'

Amethyst's pov.

Amethyst: Hey! You seen this gem? He's gone and we don't know where he is!

I kept looking around Little Homeschool going from person to person to see if any of them saw Y/N. The Blue Lace Jasper only shook her head. I groaned as I walked and sat down on some stairs.

Amethyst: UGH! This gonna take forever! I placed all my posters of my detailed art, yet no one knows! Oh! Maybe she'll know!

I saw an Apatite walking around, talking with another Jasper. I walked up to them and they turned to look at me.

Apatite: Oh! Hello, do you need something?
Amethyst: Yeah, have you seen this dork?

I showed her a drawing of Y/N.

Apatite: I can't really tell what that is?
Amethyst: Oh c'mon I'm not that bad of a drawer! Anyways. Have you seen Y/N? Y'know, mostly green clothing, sun shaped gem, and eats a bunch of marshmallows?
Apatite: Sorry, I haven't at all.

I looked to the Jasper, only for her to shake her head, not knowing as well, causing me to sigh.

Amethyst: Alright, thanks anyways.
Apatite: No problem. Hope you are able to find Y/N!

The Bright Side  (Male sunflower reader x spinel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin