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When I'm awakened by the sunshine shining through the windows, I blink tiredly - blinking again because of my head starting to hurt. "Hey there!" H suddenly cheers, tickling me slightly. I mumble something in response - almost falling out of the bed. "Someone's a bit hangover, I see."

"Can you speak a bit more quiet, please? My head hurts." I say silently, rubbing my temples. 

"Well, you were drunk at the bar, weren't you?" he chuckles, ruffling through my hair because of knowing that this is a perfect way to tease me. "The others are watching a random tv channel that talks about the awards. You like to join? I already teased Lisa as well and earned a playful slap from her, bet you want to tell me off as well for being so cheerful already."

Yes I definitely wondee how he can be so cheerful already, he surely must be a bit hangover as well - but then, H usually is chatty after we were partying so whatever. Tiredly I just follow him, greeting the others briefly and accepting the glass of juice that Lee offers me. "Hey." he greets, attempting to be all cheerful as he definitely is more awake than I am. The smile I flash at him probably looks like pulling a face instead while sitting down next to them and rubbing my temples again.

"How's the show? They said anything about us yet? We won an award after all!" H laughs, taking the remote to turn the volume slightly louder.

"Quiet, please." Lisa sighs, looking around when indeed no one answers. "Thanks."

With a slight laugh I rest my head on my hands, my eyes closing every now and then when watching tv. While the others seem to be really invested in watching I stare at the tv rather mindlessly, occasionally seeming to drift off again and not entirely following whatever they say on tv about the awards. It's only when H is shaking me slightly that I'm properly awake, not even realising that I was apparently asleep. "What?" I ask annoyed, rubbing my head. 

"Pete just called. We're set for an interview in our recording studio. Means we should start packing now and then head off. It gladly isn't too far to the studio." Claire explains from across the room. "I already packed your stuff, so thank me."

"Thanks." I mumble, walking towards my room and attempting to ignore this banging headache. "Really, thank you. That's appreciating."

"No worries, you're welcome. I helped Lisa with packing her stuff too, she and Lee went off to buy stuff for our taxi journey. We literally bought nothing except that postcard H bought - don't aak me why." Claire explains, raising her eyebrows when seeing that I blink against the sunlight with a frown appearing on my forehead as well. "Headache, I assume?" 

I agree with a simple shrug, letting myself fall down on the bed and sighing. "I know what you're going to say so don't even start."

"I will say sonething nonetheless. You don't need to get drunk to be confident, you know." she says thoughtfully. "You really don't, it's not okay. You talked plenty of nonsense and you, Lisa and H were singing songs across the hotel that we didn't even published yet. It was weird. Lee and me were telling you off but you all can really be insulted when you're told off, oh my."

"Yeah, I know, but- but I didn't said anything mean at the bar, didn't I?" 

"No, when you're drunk you're quite entertaining. H said you walked against an advertisement and apologised so even when drunk you still own that habit. Don't know how he can be so cheerful already, he was a bit drunk too." Claire says, putting her suitcase onto mine. "See, all packed. Now let's wait for the others and get that interview done. They probably want some nice pictures from us with our Brit Award. And obviously they're going to ask stuff about our new song - even if we don't know much about it yet either, well, except for the text that you all randomly were bursting our on the streets."

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