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Before the band will head off to Marbella together for filming our newest music video, us girls decided to go shopping. We're doing this in an attempt to get to know each other a bit better - since we're still quite shy towards each other. We're a band now after all and will soon film on our debut music video so we shouldn't be as quiet when spending time with each other. 

Lisa was the one of the band who, after Pete wanted us to do something together, said that we should go shopping. The response she received from Claire and me was a simple frown - it seems as if we're both not too fond on shopping but at least that's something in common. Shopping is okay, but don't think the girls share my preference of style. But as soon as we walk past some shops, our shyness changes to pure joy and we talk as if knowing each other for a while already. I notice that, while Lisa and me are acting quite excited and a bit like pop stars already, Claire still seems taken back and shy but yet mature compared to us. 

But it still is Lisa who's guiding us through the city. "There we are, that's the shop I told you about." Lisa announces proudly. 

"Looks great." Claire grins. "But okay, Pete said we should do something together and I accept that you don't want to go to a book shop or something."

"Well, I mean we could do but I guess you don't want to go to a music shop either. My favourite band published a new album and I want to buy it but- nevermind." I say, laughing about my own self. It's great how easy we get along. Back at school I always was a bit of the weird kid - most of my classmates laughed about my love for the arts or about my style but oh well. I know for certain that these bandmates are not just simple bandmates. Or bond is already amazing. 

"We can go to the music shop later if you want." Claire replies and even Lisa agrees. "So girls, what do you want to buy? Now that we're about to be pop stars, how about buying us something really fancy?"

"That might be odd to say now but- but I'm a bit jealous of that outfit you wore at the audition." Lisa admits silently. "But I bet you can't borrow it because I'm too short."

Claire grins at this honesty, laughing slightly as we walk into the shop. "Probably, yes. But Faye already asked me too and I said she's too tall so you're basically in one boat." 

"Well, she is so tall!" Lisa replies, imitating to be tall too - making us burst into laughter all randomly in the shop. People are already looking over at us which makes us laugh even more. 

"They don't know that we're shopping for our very own music video. We're proper pop stars!" I announce proudly. "You heard that Pete booked an tv performance for us already? I mean- a tv performance! Just think about it!" I exclaim happily. "We're meeting with popular hosts and other celebrities!"

"Sh, people are staring at us!" Claire shushes me, taking me over to Lisa who already looks at the outfits this shop offers. Claire and me share a self-explanatory grin as we watch Lisa explaining us why she wants to buy this and that and how she wants to take these outfits to our filming location in Marbella. It seems as if Claire becomes bored of this talk because after a while she simply walks somewhere else, probably looking for the style she prefers. After a while she returns, a bright smile on her face. "Hey Lisa." she chirps. "Come on, there's a surprise for you." 

Lisa frowns but doesn't add anything except for walking next me as we follow Claire to wherever she wants us to go to. I understand her intention before Lisa does - it seems like Claire found that audition outfit or at least something that looks equal, this time it should match Lisa and her height. She looks at the outfit for a while, stunned, before she smiles all purely. "Oh my, I need to buy this!" she chirps, searching for her money in her pocket. "Thank you so much! It's just such a beautiful outfit! And I will definitely take it to Marbella with me!"

Laughing all girly she heads off to pay for the dress, leaving Claire and me standing together alone. "Excited?" I chirp, making it obvious that I definitely am.

"About what?" she asks with a laugh. "The tv performance or us heading off for filming?"

"Both!" I literally shout, fully aware that people are looking at us. But I can't hide my excitement! Amused about Claire looking at me while shaking her head rather annoyed, I put my sunglasses down again while taking her into my arms. "Hey, proper pop stars are allowed to act like this!" 

"You're so weird, Faye." she laughs, waving at Lisa who walks back to us with her newly bought dress. "Okay, we can head off! Any wishes?"

"Maybe relaxing somewhere? My feet are hurting." Lisa says with a grin. "Or do you want to shop somewhere else?" she asks but we both deny. And so we put our arms around each other, walking across the streets and talk about plenty of things. Most importantly: our tv performance and our filming in Marbella. I personally rarely traveled and if so it was across England or maybe somewhere close like Scotland or Wales. So this is something really exciting! Lisa says she didn't really traveled before but Claire says that she's been to Spain before - not Marbella though. But we keep questioning her with excitement until she tells us to keep quiet as we get into a taxi. 

"For real Lisa, how can you walk through the city in these high heels?" Claire asks after a while. 

"I'm used to dance shoes." Lisa shrugs. "Means I can walk in high heels as well. And I want to appear taller!"

Claire and me share a grin, both being taller we sometimes would like to be slightly smaller in height and not literally tower over everyone. We all laugh, still laughing when we leave the car and arrive at the recording studio from where we previously headed off from. 

"Hey girls, that was a really lovely day." I say with a happy smile. "We can go shopping together again when there's time or what do you think? Maybe when we're in Marbella?"

They both agree with smiling back and I head home, happily jumping around. This band is already amazing. I love these people so much and can't wait to go on stage with them soon, singing our debut song to the audience - it will be so exciting! I open the door, greeting my parents with a flashing smile while politely answering all their questions about the band and our producer and of course about our tv performance. I tell them that I want to practice a bit to myself and so I head off to my room while almost falling over the stairs from excitement. I put down my stuff, sitting down on the chair on my desk while looking through the notes for our debut song. A simple, happy western song with Lee on the lead and the rest of the band as backing singers. It's perfect. We also already saw our outfits and they're great - I obviously decided on the yellow outfit when our styling crew asked.

After looking through the song for a while, I yawn and close the book where the notes are kept. I really am looking forward to performing soon, excitingly awaiting the rehearsals for both singing and dancing. It's going to be just splendid and it's perfect that we as a band are already getting along with each other the way we do.

The Story of Stepsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن