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Filming the music video for our debut song went truly amazing! Our director said how satisfied he is with how the video turned out and he can see the song proudly entering the charts soon! But we're not only happy because of his words; we also enjoyed our stay at the filming location. Marbella is such a beautiful place. Yes, it was simply great and it'll be so exciting to see if people will like our debut song.

Now we're back home, walking out of the airport with our suitcases. We're welcomed into a beautiful day full of sun and I smile as I see Travis standing next to our car, looking at me awaitingly. He promised me, when I called him from our stay, that he would come to the airport to meet me. That's really cute. Especially because we barely see each other at the moment, as either he or me is away with the band, so it's really good to see him now. "There you are." he says, as we all walk towards him and I notice that he sounds a bit angry. Maybe he's stressed, I say to myself as we approach him. Of course he is, band life can be stressful. 

"Yes, we-"

"Doesn't matter. Could you get into the car now?" he interrupts me, with a glance at the others. "Band meeting." he explains.

"Yes, of course. Just wait." I tell him, putting my suitcase into the car, before walking back to the others. "We'll see at the recording studio, don't we?" I ask, just to know if what we talked about while on the plane is correct. 

"Yes. Pete said he wants to discuss about further songs and-"

"Would you please get into the car now or I take you here myself!" Travis says annoyed, interrupting Lee who simply frowns back at him.

"She's coming when she talked to us about our own meeting, thanks." Claire explains, raising her eyebrows at how angrily Travis was starring at us all now.

"You know what, we just call each other and talk later, okay?" I tell them. "The and meeting is important for him. Their album, you know." I add, hoping we wouldn't start a discussion now. But the band just exchanges a look before we say a quick goodbye to each other and I enter the car. As we drive down the street, away from the park area where the others are still staying, I look at Travis, somewhat shyly. He looks angry, although he focuses on the road, but it's still obvious. "I'm sorry for my behaviour." I say quietly. "I know that you're stressed because of your album but still enjoy your band meeting."

"You talked to your bandmates, despite I demanded you to come with me." he says, without minding about these previous words. 

"We were just talking, because of our album-"

"Your stupid album doesn't interest me, my band's working on a new album as well!" he says loudly, starting the radio, obviously to show that he doesn't wants to talk now. Of course he's totally allowed to be angry. I'm such a failure - not only in this relationship, but also in general, as a person. He tells me things like that that enough and I know that he's saying the truth. 

"I'm sorry. Please don't be angry, we can talk now if you like. I love you." I whisper with defeat, not looking at him as he exhales and pats my shoulder in a way of apologising. Smiling slightly, as he seems not as angry as before, I decide to keep quiet and let him listen to his music. When arriving at our house, Travis hands me the keys and the suitcase, saying I should go into the house as he's searching the notes for his new song that he forgot somewhere on the back seat of his car. I decide not to tease him about that, as he's already angry with me. So instead, I walk to the house, seeing our neighbour in his garden. He's greeting, as he sees us. "Hello!" I say friendly. He walks over, handing me the newspapers and stuff that we received while travelling. 

"That's for you." he explains with a smile. "Enjoyed your vacation?"

"Yes, well, it wasn't a vacation at all. We were just filming the video and went back to the plane." I laugh at how curious he is. A really nice man, who lives next to us with his wife. They always look after our garden and things like that when we're away with our respective bands. Simply adorable persons.

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