One for Sorrow

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Since we returned from our latest filming location, we published our new song. Its sucess was stunning - we're so proud of us! When it was played on the radio we literally freaked out - positively - and in fact, the song's still in the charts despite we're about to release a new song again. An article in a newspaper even said that we really managed to prove ourselves in the music industry with this song. It was such an honor to read that because now we know that we can indeed be a successful band - without people joking about us, like they did when our debut song was released.

And before being able to even think about this success in the charts, we're already back in a taxi on the way to our next location. It's really a lot of travelling, but we love it. Though we don't know much about the new song yet. Pete really makes a secret out of that. Well we know the song itself but we told us everyone should learn the complete song and that he'll reveal later on who'll sing which part. Weird, really - but his decisions. Maybe he wants this song to be something special because this time it's no cover, unlike the previous song and some songs of our album that'll follow. 

So while we get out of the taxi, walking to the location where we're meeting, we talk all happily and smile at Pete who's already waiting at the location with his sunglasses on his head and a flashing smile on his face. "Welcome to Italy! Good to see you in such a happy mood!"

"This place is just beautiful!" Lisa exclaims. 

"I knew you would like it. But before we film, I want to tell you my plan for this song. I want to try something new, after this great feedback for your last song." Pete explains without hesitation. It seems like we all think about what he means with 'trying something new' - maybe he wants the boys to sing mainly with us girls joining in the chorus? It would be interesting and it wouldn't solely be a change to our concept but also a great opportunity for Lee and H. But Pete says something else. "I want Claire to sing this song." 

For a moment, we all just look at him in silence, somewhat confused. What does he mean by that exactly? It's Lee who dares to ask this question. Does he actually looks a bit angry? 

But Pete just laughs back at us as if someone made a joke. "You obviously will join her in the chorus. But I want her to sing the main parts."

"But we are a band!" Lisa says loudly.

"I know that and you'll also sing - in the other songs. But I want to try that."

"And why is Claire singing the main parts?" I ask before even thinking of how rude that sounds.

"She's a great singer. Don't misunderstand me, you all are great! Just let us try that. Claire, please come over here with me and learn the text. And the rest of you, wait until the camera team arrives."

Claire walks off with our producer, looking a little shy but with a smile and as we're alone, Lisa takes me to the side. "He favours her." she says without hesitation. I want to disagree with that, but must admit that I'm angry myself. Lisa is saying the truth and as she said before, we're a band. So why is one of us singing a song alone? We already kinda know that Claire is like the lead singer, but singing a song alone? It's like we're not existing in this band at all! "Don't you agree with that?" Lisa asks after a while, realising the silence between us as well.

"She's favoured. Why creating a band where not everyone is singing?" I admit. 

"What to do?"

"We actually can't say anything. If we would act angrily, that would seem unpleasant and maybe we would be kicked from the band." I explain my thoughts. 

"Why even making a secret out of the song?" Lisa continues, looking around to see if the boys are listening. But they seem busy with taking pictures of the location. 

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