Show Performance

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With the most excited expression on our faces we enter the tv studio, already being awaited by the hosts. This all looks so great, how amazing is it actually that we're performing here - performing our very own song as Steps! I'm way too excited! We still need to wait backstage though since the show didn't started yet and because of the hosts wanting to introduce us properly first. This is also down to the fact that 'The Rockers' will perform before us and just as I think about this, they walk past us with their rock guitars. Fair to say, I'm stunned. We just met celebrities!

"Hello!" I say happily, not able to hide my excitement despite telling myself to act casual. They greet back with equal friendly smiles, even shaking our hands. A blush appears on my cheeks and I try hide it behind my curls.

"Hello, we're Steps!" H chirps, chatty as usual. 

They take a seat next to us so we could share a proper talk as celebrities. Not that I already see us as famous but whatever. "Are you excited?" one of them asks. He's a decent guy, but not as attractive as the other members. I obviously know their names: this guy there is James and there's Charles - who's a bit like H personality-wise - and then there's Travis who's very tall but in my honest opinion the most handsome. I definitely fancy him.

"We're so excited!" I say before even thinking of it. "And you? Bet you are as well! Must be amazing to perform here, obviously you're already used to it and you're already real celebrities compared to us! But that's why were here and-" I interrupt this nonsense of a talk when H kicks his feet against mine, an intention to show how much sense these sentences actually lack. I flash a thankful smile at him, yet annoyed because I just was talking to celebrities - and he interrupted it!

"We hope the people will like our new song. We're about to publish a new album soon." Travis says, laughing. It's really him who's the most handsome member of the band; quite tall and muscular but yet attractive. Even if he's not as smiley as the others but that's because of the excitement for certain.

"We really love your songs." I tell them, earning confused looks from the others.

"We?" H asks teasingly.

"Yes, we. Or don't you like their songs? They're played at the radio, after all. Our songs aren't played at the radio." I explain.

"No problem, you don't need to love our songs." he laughs. "By the way, I'm Travis. And this guys are James and Charles. And we're called 'The Rockers'."

"How creative!" H exclaims.

He starts to annoy me, so I switch my seat with Claire who's sitting closer to 'The Rockers' so I could share a proper talk with them. "Rock music is really nice." I tell them. Sadly, our talk is interrupted when they're called to the stage for their performance. I don't even noticed that the show is already filming, but somehow the others didn't noticed that either.

"Seriously?" Claire asks as we're alone now. "Did you even realize how you flirted with them?"

"Yes, that was my intention. I like them, especially Travis. He's a really nice guy." I explain.

"He's weird. And besides, what if he's taken? I mean, no offence, but not everyone is single like you." she says bluntly. 

That's true, as Claire is the only member of our band who is in a relationship at the moment. But it's not her business to tell me with whom I can talk to or not. "If he's taken, he can tell me."

For the rest of the time, until we're called to the little stage, we don't talk. Lee and Lisa didn't joined our conversation, which I'm happy about, as it means that at least they accept what I do. But now an assistant tells us that we'll perform now, showing us where to walk into the studio. We do what we being told, while being announced. "We want you to meet a new addition to the world of music: Steps, a band that was formed not long ago and soon they'll release their debut single. Are you excited to see them performing live here at our show?" he questions and the audience agrees with applause, welcoming us with expressions full of excitement and interest. "And now, they will perform a little part of their song and will join us for an interview later. Steps, take your place."

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