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Today is the day of our first performance since the reunion. We're invited to a tv show where we'll perform one of our previous songs and it's no lie that we're excited and nervous as heck. We recently rehearsed so much, not just singing but also dancing and of course we did several interviews on other tv shows. We were mostly asked stuff about the reunion, mainly if we're getting along.

Gladly we're getting along and despite some occasional mishaps that mostly were my fault, there's no tension between us so far.

At the moment we're still backstage while waiting for the demand to enter the studio. Claire is biting her lip nervously, I guess she's the member of the band who's nervous the most - still thinking that we would insult her for the resignation letter. Us girls already tried to cheer her with talking about her nice dress, which only made her even more nervous. 

Meanwhile, H is looking at his phone, seeming like watching a video. "Oh, look!" he suddenly bursts out, taking a seat next to the rest of us and showing us the video he was watching previously. Obviously we immediately recognise it, it's our performance from Abbamania. We're on stage with other bands and singers and we're singing to 'Dancing Queen' much like we did in the studio previously. 

Just watching that performance makes us all smile and also more confident upon remembering what a great event that was. Being on that stage and singing songs like 'Dancing Queen' or others was just splendid and I'm still do thankful that we were invited to that event back then.

The thoughts about Abbamania and watching the videos of it are interrupted when a member of camera crew takes a place next to us, telling us that we should go over and enter the studio now, preparing for our reunion performance. We all exhale deeply before making our way past the crew and take our place behind a curtain. That's so exciting, we're all just so nervous! Like, we were really busy with preparing for this performance and now, the people will hopefully enjoy and like it as well. The reunion show was a great idea, gladly we do mostly get along again despite small arguments  - but what if people won't like the performance, or us?

While we now enter the stage and the music starts to play, we're probably all sharing equal thoughts. What will the people think about our performance - and about the reunion in general? Will they even like it? Well, several articles were either stating that it's a great idea and that they're also excited, while others said that, for us, it's just an opportunity to make money. 

But while we sing, I just can't hide my smile. Yes, it's obvious that we're really excited and, as our management would tell us, we should practice our performances even more. But we just enjoy it. We're singing with full smiles and as the performance is done and we take or places next to the hosts, we're actually still smiling. That was so amazing! Oh my, it was so amazing to be on stage with the band again! 

Yes, it was also slightly weird to perform together again and rehearsals were also intense sometimes, meaning that we were still arguing partly - but now, we earn a lot of applause. And that's just such an honor and we're thank the audience with a flashing smile on all of our faces.

"Hello, Steps! I'm really glad to see you performing here!" one of the hosts greets friendly.

"Well, thank you." Lisa replies, still smiling brightly.  "We're so glad to perform here and we're glad that you enjoyed it."

"Oh we definitely did!" the other host adds. "So, how did filming the reunion show went? Were there a lot of arguments or did you get along again now?"

"Well yes, there were arguments." I admit. "But- but we're getting along now, I guess."

"Yes, we do get along." Lee adds and honestly I'm really thankful that he added something, because I already was too shy again. "Sometimes we were a bit stressed but gladly we could easily cheer up ourselves again."

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