Chapter 18 ❆ Daughter of Oblivion

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Thank you for waiting! It was a tough month last month so it took me a while to continue writing. Although I'm slow, I'll definitely continue with this book.

I have some time this week, so I'll try and release a new update real soon too!

With the opponent on the ground wheezing for air and the crowd wild with cheers of approval, I stepped back for a bit to recover and rest. The monk came up to conclude the fight, and the ten-second count was over.

Just like that.

I didn't even know what had happened—the whole fight was like a whirlwind that blew over my head. As I sat down before the healer to have my injuries addressed, I slipped off into the sanctuary of my mind trying to comprehend the experience that I just went through. The adrenalin eventually tapered off, and the strength that I thought I had seemed to ebb away from my bones. Exhaustion came creeping in along. It brought with it the pain from my open wounds, and the sting in the burns on my skin.

Though the healer was able to very quickly speed up the healing process, helping close some of the open flesh, the burns were much harder to heal. Maun and Erenol seemed to be both worried, seeing my uncanny silence, and I gave them a smile for reassurance.

I was fine. This much was not really bad—though I found it much harder to say out loud because I was worn out.

These two were such a blessing, now that I thought about it. No matter how dark the days, they were always somehow able to find a bright spot to look at and hope for better times. Maun had had much worse to go through than I did in this life, and yet he remained very innocent and somehow optimistic of the outcome.

Once treatment was done, I made my way to watch the fights that came after mine. Considering my clothes were wrecked, I could not make my way back into the arena's dugout area—which offered the best view of the fight. Instead, I donned a cloak to hide my injuries and squeezed my way into the cramped bleachers with the rest of the audience.

I did not like thick crowds, so I paused at the mouth of the entrance, hesitating whether to continue or not. I did not want to miss the opportunity of watching the other contestants at all—and I wasn't allowed down with the other contestants without being properly clothed in my costume. Observing the fights would be beneficial to my skills and repertoire—not to mention it also allowed some insight into their capabilities, should I actually have to face them later on.

"Evyionne," a calm voice drew my attention over. I looked up to see Mistress Veronika.

"Mistress," I replied.

"You did well," she said. "Come with me."

She walked past me, leaving behind the screaming crowd and making her way down—back into the freer paths leading to the back of the arena. I threw one last glance at the bleachers before hastening after her.

"I want to watch the fight..." I said but was replied silence instead.

I did not know where we were supposed to go, but I knew better than to question the woman. Mistress Veronika had once trained in the Temple, after all. She should know this place better than me.

We trekked through a broken terrain that led to high towers I didn't know existed. It was a struggle going to because it seemed the place was determined to keep out visitors. Just the path to it was already discouraging enough as it was.

"Mistress, where are we going?" I asked as I struggled over a tall debris that was around my height. I wasn't well enough yet, and there were many places in my body that hurt. I bore with it and tried to step where my mistress had, but my legs were far too short to reach the places where hers had gone. Thankfully, she held out a hand to me and helped me up. "Are we allowed here?"

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