Chapter 10 ❆ Dun

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If you guys are still interested, I'm upping the game (because you guys got there faster than I expected).

Next chappies goal: 1000 votes | 300 comments

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This is an INSTANT UPDATE GOAL. This is optional. Even if you guys have trouble reaching this goal and in case you fail, I will still upload the next chapter. This really helped put fire on my heels though, lol. Hopefully, you guys take longer this time (I'm crossing my fingers for it).


I glared Kaliya's statue. I couldn't believe that gods—or something even higher than that—had to take a vacation. Well, with the amount of work they would usually have, it would make sense. But the world wouldn't run itself, now would it?

Maybe it technically did, but some things clearly needed some supervision every now and then. Besides, why would they even take vacations when they knew that crap could happen? Wouldn't that result to more work for them to do? It wasn't practical! Vacations weren't practical! Especially for gods!

My indignation resounded back and forth in my head. I was tempted to rant continuously for an hour or so. I knew I was capable of doing it. However, in the end, Amber was still some lowly "temporary hire" who was stuck in this untimely position as I did. He was barely coping up with all the stresses happening around him already. So, while I was tempted to run my mouth, it still wouldn't do anything in the end.

He was ill-tempered, probably for a reason. Somehow, I could see this guy as a sort of an overworked employee. Still, that didn't mean he could take it out on me. The next time this guy would dare misplace his anger, I would bat it right back at his face. I was not a punching bag.

I sighed. At least coming here had been fruitful. Now that I knew I could at least talk with him this way, the communication bit wouldn't be a lot of issue.

"How come you replied this time?" I asked.


"Like...hello." I jutted my head forward, wondering where he went now.

Probably ran out of battery?

This guy really liked ghosting people. Literally.

Oh, well. Whatever. I got to learn a bit more about the things that I should.

"Who you talking to?" someone inquired.

I jumped from where I was sitting and turned to see Elion emerging from nowhere. Frightened, I couldn't help but shout a little. I whipped around to face the person who suddenly spoke, my shock very apparent on my face.

"Sorry! Sorry! I no want...uhhh..." he trailed off, not knowing the right word. He started firing away in his native language, trying to translate his words into the other one. "Shock, shock. Startle. How do I say that in Lovardi?" After wracking his brain for a long time, he finally said, "S-sock you?"

I shook my head and laughed at the word 'sock you.' Though I got the intent, the image was a little funny.

It made me feel a little bad having to pretend that I couldn't understand him, though.

"It's okay," I told him in his language. I couldn't help but give in a little out of pity. He was obviously trying his best.

Shock lit up his face. "You understand? Do you know Simar?"

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