Chapter 51 ❆ Not Lacking

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As soon as I asked, the person leading his small group of assistants cleared his throat and stepped forward to answer the question I had thrown at my mistress.

"Your account is currently in jade two," he told me. "That means your assets are worth at least one billion gold."

I thankfully did not spit out my tea, but I felt my hands shaking. I carefully placed the teacup back onto the surface of the table lest I ended up breaking it—and also to maintain some elegance when all I wanted to do right now was run around screaming.

Because b*tch please.

One billion, he said. At least, he said. How many zeroes was in that? And to think those were the stuff my mistresses didn't want or otherwise gifted to me when they felt like it. How f*cking rich was everyone in the family?

I was a peasant in my last life! I slaved away working double shifts and at least two part-time jobs to fund my college expenditures! I ate cup ramen and divided canned food into three servings for all my three meals in a day if I was lucky! I was in debt I didn't know if I would be able to pay in my lifetime! My accounts had always been in the negatives!

I had been contented knowing I didn't have to live like I owed anyone when I was growing up in Oblivion, and now I'm told I'm actually so rich I could kill everyone in this room by literally drowning them with money! I've got at least a billion's worth of properties in my hands!

To put it to perspective, ten thousand could comfortably feed two families for a year—and even provide other necessities such as clothes, home, and education if used properly. If I were to give all this money away, I could single-handedly eliminate world hunger.

"Impressive," Mistress Veronika said. "Let me check the list of assets here. I also want to read the conditions."

"Yes, ma'am." The leader began sweating bullets in the face of so many zeroes—I mean, heck, even I am.

Mistress Veronika began solemnly scrolling through the properties.

That's right. Scrolling.

I peeked and I almost cursed. At least five pages.

"Of course, the properties have not been evaluated recently. Some of those on the list are in Venerya. As you may know of the situation, there may have been some damages, so we aren't sure if the figures are still around that amount—or if your assets have been affected at all," he hastily added.

Ah, that made sense. I almost forgot about it, but I do recall the civil war happening not so long ago. It was why we left in the first place.

"That's fine," she said, then thoughtfully went back to scrolling. "It seems the headmistress left much of all the safe things to you, Evy..."

"Safe things?"

"This is nearly all of Oblivion's accumulated wealth. She has entrusted all our fortune to you."

" is?"

Ah, so it wasn't just the gifts. This was all of Oblivion? Made sense. I wasn't disappointed, but I suddenly felt like it was logical. If they told me they still had more of this, I would—

"This is forty percent of it, at least."

Hearing one of the attendants choke on her spit, I carefully swallowed mine.

"Can you leave us for a while?" Mistress Veronika inquired, turning to the attendants in the room. "Also, there are two things in this list I wish to be brought forward. It says on the record that it has been stored here." She pointed to two numbers. "A89 and B67."

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