Chapter 48 ❆ Stabilize

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So...I realized I failed to hit the publish button when I was uploading this chapter, so...AH I'm sorry.

Anyway, there will be another update in the coming week (12th) to maintain the previous pace. So sorry for this.

Do enjoy this chapter!

I just realized; how unfair! Close combat and allowed to use one's elements—but no other weapon! As the person in utter disadvantage, this was the first time I actually felt helpless...and it didn't bother me so much before as it did now. Thankfully, the numbing cold welled up from inside and suppressed any feelings of restlessness and I easily pulled up a logical response to handle the situation in front me.

I had no element. At least nothing convenient enough to use now that could rival the lightshow that was my enemy's. There was no use, therefore, in stumbling over this bit more than necessary.

Black Flame wasn't going to give this victory over to me without any fight, either. So it wasn't like this situation was going to get any easier at all.

"It seems Lionheart was caught off-guard by that move from Black Flame! What is she going to do next?"

What else was I going to do? It wasn't like I would be lying down and accepting my fate, no.

I took a deep breath and reined in that increasing sense of urgency. If I allowed myself to panic, I might let loose some unwanted things. With my resolve in mind, I slunk down into my most stable stance, watching the bright flame...dark in the edges and a light blue in the middle, as it threateningly flared off of the palms of Black Flame.

"Amber, you should know some things about this world's energies, right? Since you intern," I said as I eyed my opponent. I relaxedly circled him, my feet covertly digging into the ground as I moved, and he moved with me, never letting his back turn to me lest I pounced on him from behind.

"Black flames...well...each variant of fire has different quirks depending on the color," he told me. "For black, I remember it being a little different than the rest."

"Why is that?" Black Flame did not allow me to dawdle too much. He pulled into his range of attack, trying to send a stream of fire my way.

Having been made more or less familiar with the breadth of his attacks, I chose a safe distance to evade his strike and kicked up some loose soil his way. My feet kicked up the dirt, sending it showering on his face. The ground was quite firm, so I made sure to loosen it somewhat while I was walking around him.

"Because black flame is a watered down version of dark fire. Dark fires are unique because they can pierce realms and burn even your shadow," Amber's voice intoned softly in the background.

I trained to listen to him while I moved in to attack, making use of my earlier distraction to momentarily blind him and get within a range wherein I could comfortably attack.

I frowned. "How the hell does that even work? Isn't my shadow technically a part of my corporeal body due to light?"

I did not have time to hesitate with sending a series of attacks Black Flame's way. If I let go of this opportunity now, I probably wouldn't be able to find something as good as it down the road. I had to give him a good few injuries in places where he would use the most. If I could not strike him down directly, at least I could cripple his fighting power...wear him down bit-by-bit until he could no longer fight.

"Exactly. But dark fire only needs to reach your shadow to burn even your flesh," he answered smugly.

"What the actual f*ck," I whispered in response. "So what ahout black flames?"

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