Chapter 63 ❆ Arrangements

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"I will be forthcoming about this matter since everything I have tried so far has failed..." Kaiser trailed off. "My mother is sick."

We all stood, waiting for him to finish his explanation. But I suddenly had a light bulb going off in my head and my imagination jumped two miles farther with just those words. I'd already listed a couple of plausible scenarios alongside explanations behind his actions. Piecing two and two together, I finally came to a rather absurd story. Now, the only thing left was to verify whether my thoughts were right.

"It is not known yet to the public, and we're not generally inclined to confide this matter to outsiders. But my father has inquired of the possibilities to ease her condition," he said. "I wanted to use this opportunity to enlist your help discreetly, but you really did not give in."

"Is this related to me having to play for you?" I asked. Then I realized my tone was a little numb, which might come across a little rude. I tried to ease my stance and tilted my head to the side loosely. Hopefully, this wouldn't worsen my resting bitch face...even make me look a bit more approachable.

He gazed at me, slight surprise twinkling in his eyes, and nodded firmly. "That's right. It is for that reason. Her condition is a little special, though," he said.

"How will this help your mother?" I asked.

"She was poisoned."

We were silent, taking a few moments to digest that fact.

"And do angel strings help with it?" I continued.

"Angel's strings are special because they have healing capabilities. To be specific, these healing capabilities are very specific for this poison," he told me. "This poison is very harsh. It is especially agonizing during winter season or cold nights."

I sighed, troubled. While I wished I could help this person, I had my own circumstances to consider. I was not exactly in the position to think of others while in such a delicate situation myself.

However, I might be able to find a compromise.

"You know, as much as I'd really like to play for you, I really can't. I'm not saying this because I'm merciless or completely lacking in sympathy, but my skills are not worthy of that harp," I sincerely stated. With each word of mine, his face grew more disappointed. But I wasn't one to string someone along. "If you really need it for curing your mother, I can lend it to you."

His eyes lit up. "That's a great idea! To be honest, I was considering having to steal them from you, but my ever-righteous father would beat me if I did! And he hits like no other." He twiddled thumbs and tried to keep his smile from becoming heavy and bright. "It was unfortunate, and I was running out of ideas."

"Explains this broken competition," Arondite muttered from the corner.

"So what are you saying? Did we win not because we were good but because of Evyionne?" Miles's face crumpled in dissatisfaction.

"T-that is, well..." Kaiser looked stiffly to the side. "It's actually good that you had a really good performance because if I took on something mediocre, then I would be a run over by rumors. People liked your performance, and it was very good too. was convenient."

Miles looked insulted. His face soured, and he restlessly stomped his foot. "I can't believe this! I can't!" He huffed. "We worked so hard and you demean us like this! Unbelievable!"

"All performers get free beers at the bar," he said. "Oh, but you're minors—"

Miles came forward and grasped his collar. "We'll take it."

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