Chapter 39 ❆ Cool Down

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With Black Flame clearly exasperated by my non-standard means, I gained back a bit of that confidence that I happened to have lost sometime down during this fight. Nonetheless, I had several predictions down the road, and I was well-aware of my current prospects.

However, since the opportunity was already presented before me, I would not let it go to waste. Taking a deep breath, I stepped into a more offensive position. I would no longer go the roundabout way of defeating this guy anymore. Even if I lose, I'd like it that he was at least in his best game. That way, I could at least say that I made him spend some effort in defeating me.

I best confirm the things I previously noticed while I still had the chance. First, however, I needed a way to get out of this pit. Though I liked the advantage of the mud-water against his element, it wasn't time for that yet. I ought to find a place where I could at least fight against him properly. I had enough of the mud wrestling as it was.

The pit wasn't particularly deep, though it went up as high as my waistline. Last time I tried to get out, I was dragged back by the collar. I wouldn't let that happen a second time.

Taking a deep breath, I crossed the space between myself and Black Flame. The steps were quick, but with the mud dragging me down, my speed cut down by a little. I came upon my opponent not long after, sending a clean punch towards his abdomen. I expected he would retreat to use his assets—the likelihood of it happening was at least seventy-five percent, especially with the kind of attitude I exhibited with this new confrontation.

And he did.

He took a step back, putting the most optimum distance between him and me so that he could start using his legs. I reckoned he would also like to start working against me using his family art. So, when the feet came slinging out of the ankle-deep mud towards my face, I maneuvered right where he couldn't reach me. His legs hit nothing but air, and I slipped past him to leap out of the pit.

By the time he turned to look at where I had gone, I was standing on leveled ground staring down at him.

"Come up," I said.

He did not hesitate to leap out of the pit as well.

"Both our competitors are out of the mud! They're taking the competition to the next level—and it seems things will be literally heating up from now on. If things go to expectations, at least!" the announcer exclaimed.

I maintained my fighting position and probingly moved. Black Flame was just as alert as I was and we began circling one another like two tigers preparing to pounce.

"For those who aren't aware, the patron dragon listed under Lionheart's data is Vagun. That means her control is over time—how this manifests. We aren't sure because it seemed as though she didn't use it in her last couple of fights. Perhaps we will see very soon!"

You wouldn't, she replied in her mind. Vagun was just a scapegoat. If they did see my ability, no doubt this whole arena would fall into ruin. Right now, I did not have to worry much about carelessly invoking my ability, especially with Mistress Kora's care, but it's like opening the dam—I could not guarantee I would have the control once I flip the switch.

"Have you gotten tired, yet?" Black Flame inquired softly.

"Ha, who wouldn't?" I replied.

This time, I had to seize the rhythm while I could. I would not allow him to have the advantage and set the pace like before. Otherwise, I would be the pitiful surfer getting lolled around the tongue of tall waves. If I was to navigate this stormy sea, it had to be at least on my terms.

Black Flame was not surprised when I took the initiative this time around. He was prepared to receive my attack. He humored my paltry attempts at courageous advances, blocking and parrying each of my attack with ease.

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