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Tuesday -9:28 am-

The divorce was finalized. A few days ago Johnathan begged me to not go through with the divorce after he was the one who filed for it but, me taking my chance to get away, I went forward with the divorce and now I was officially being set free.

It felt fresh to have such a burden being lifted off my shoulders. Once I stepped foot out the lawyers firm I felt my new beginning writing it's first chapter.

On Saturday Johnathan had came to help remove my things and to repossess his key to his home, after that he closed the door in my face. It didn't bother me how I expected it to, no, it me feel like the bigger person, instead I gathered my things and called my parents to come get me.

Now here I was, cooking breakfast for my parents and cleaning up the house . Later on in the day I was going to be attending serene's engagement party so I had to make sure everything was good around the house before leaving.

Bringing me out of my thoughts my mom greeted me with a cheerful 'Goodmorning'.

I smiled back at her, removing the eggs from the stove. "Hey momma. How'd you sleep ?" Licking my finger I turn around to rinse off some dinner plates.

Sighing, she sits down at the bar table, "I slept good honey, even better with you back at home now." She reached forward to grab a strawberry.

"Aww momma, how'd my other mom sleep ? How's she doing so far ?" Turning on the faucet I rinse off the apple slices and filling up the the coffee maker with water.

"Ah honey, she's doing a little better. She sleeps a lot now. We have an appointment later on in the week with her new doctor." Grabbing a plate, she prepares her breakfast.

"Aw, I wish she gets better. I miss how she was back then, you know ? Before all the sickness." I fill my plate up with some mixed fruit and some eggs.

"I think we all do licia. But, enough with the sad stuff. What do you have planned for today ?" Sipping her black coffee she grins up at me. I never took the time to admire the extravagant features my mother possessed.

Her chubby cheekbones that seemed to round the more she smiled, her hazel brown eyes that seemed to twinkle at the slightest bit of sunshine.

"Umm, I have an engagement party to attend to in a few hours." I formed my lips into a straight line, stuffing my mouth with eggs.

"Mm, who's engagement party ?" She asks, swallowing her coffee.

"Serene's engagement party ." She scoffed at the syllables of her name running from my mouth like water.

"You still hang with her ?" She questioned, walking around the table .

"Yes mom. I still hang with her. She's different now mom. Nothing like her mother." I defended.

"Please. She's everything like her mother. Exclude the junkie trait and she's swell." She responded sarcastically. Serene wasn't perfect but, she was everything in a friend you could want.

"What happened with you and Corrine ? You guys used to be so close." She was now interrogating my choice in friends.

"Corrine has a family of her own now ." That sentence didn't do much justification, being as serene has a family and still makes time for me.

"Hmm, who would want to marry someone like her ? She's not the ideal wife ." She rolled her eyes, reaching for the apples.

"She's not perfect mom-" she scoffed at that word,'perfect'.

"That's an understatement Alicia." She placed her hand on her hip and scowled at me as if I was still five.

"Stop ! Okay... she's not perfect, hell she might even be like her mother, but she's perfect for me. And let's not forget mom you and Selene-" she looked up at me her eyes widened at that name.

𝐋𝐮𝐬𝐭: 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐦 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦 [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now